You Are A Soul Within A Body

Dear Soul,
You wonderful being of light and wisdom. Have you ever thought about all the stories and knowledge your soul truly carries? Throughout lifetime after lifetime you have had tremendous amounts of experiences, all stored in what we call the Akashic Records of the soul.
Perhaps you have felt this strange feeling of being here before, when you visit a new place you haven’t been before in this lifetime.
Or, perhaps you meet someone and you both have this strong feeling of knowing each other your whole life, when you actually just met (in this lifetime at least).
Or, maybe you have skills or certain talents you don’t know how you know, but somehow you know how to do it, so easily, like it’s the most natural thing in the world for you.
Or, you have memories, visions and dreams you can’t explain. From a different time, other places and as a different person.
Perhaps you feel drawn to certain historical places or times, but you don’t know why.
Dear soul, you are an infinite being, your soul has lived many, many, many lifetimes before. Some of you more than others. Some different lives than others too, and also in different worlds and places.
For some this might seem strange or even unrealistic, but if you go deep within your soul, where all is stored and you carry all that wisdom, memories, stories, experiences and knowledge. You will start to remember – piece by piece.
The soul does not die when you leave this world. It moves on to another place, a different dimension and plane. It only cuts the cords which connects the body and the soul.
It does not die, it lives on, takes with it all its experiences and memories. The wounds, trauma, love, healing, memories, knowledge, good and bad.
It continues its journey, to a new adventure.
Death is only a transformation, from one state to another. It’s to be reborn. Transformed. You go from one shape to another.
Remember, you are a soul within a body. Not a body with a soul. The body is your temple, your home and vehicle throughout this wonderful journey called life.