Aquarius Season 2023
Welcome to Aquarius Season: January 20 – February 18!

Co-Ruled by the planets Uranus (Modern Ruler) & Saturn (Traditional Ruler), Aquarius is an Air sign. It’s symbol is the ‘Water Bearer’ who represents the equal distribution of a free flowing source of energy to all. Uranus adds it’s energy of freedom, change, disruption, the unexpected & the quirky to this sign, while Saturn adds it’s energy of structure, responsibility & perseverance. We need these qualities of Saturn mixed with those of Uranus, in order to see the old structures & systems (Saturn) in new and unconventional ways so we can bring the changes that are needed (Uranus) for the Highest Good of All (Aquarius).
The Divine archetypes of Aquarius are: the ‘Sacred Rebel’ (with a cause), the Innovator/Visionary/Inventor, the Revolutionary/Humanitarian (standing up for freedom & changing the old ways society sees the world), and the Quirky/Unique Individual within the larger group, organization or society (the one who seemingly does not ‘fit in’ yet is exactly what the larger group needs in order to evolve and grow). The Distorted archetypes of Aquarius include: the Rebel (without a cause), the ‘Mad Scientist’ (putting knowledge & technology before ethics, morals & compassion), and the Hologram Self (aloof, emotionally detached & unavailable shell of a person who has sacrificed their True Self & heart desires in favour of societal & cultural conditioning). Good thing is, we can always choose something different.
In it’s highest forms, this energy asks us to find and then align with our own unique frequency and express it outwards for all to see (because no one person is the same as another). Then we can see each other for who we truly are, and have that be our greatest gift that we give to the world: our uniqueness, and encouraging others to share their unique selves. We each have a unique frequency, that when we connect with it and express it outwards, it sings like our very own note that no one else can play but us, within the Song of Life. This is how we live happy lives (we are at peace when we can be our true selves and feel loved for who we really are) and in turn support the larger world and beyond.
Aquarius is connected with freedom, technology, electricity, humanitarian issues, innovative ideas, out of the box thinking and expressions and can sometimes seem eccentric (especially to very ‘traditional’ people). But it’s exactly this uniqueness that we need right now in the world and that we are all stepping more into. We each have some Aquarius energy in our charts, so we each have a side of us that aligns with this energy and is asking us to find our uniqueness and express it outwards, for the benefit of All.
The most important thing for Aquarius: the freedom to be oneself.
This happens through the evolution of the Soul, and often times the freedom and liberation we desire comes after we’ve released the chains of conformity and cultural and social conditioning that are left over residue from the older systems, structures and generations. Keeping with true Aquarian energy, we don’t need to attach stories and emotions to the conditioning and old ways of being that we are emerging from right now. They had their purpose, like the cocoon does for the butterfly. It’s restrictive and challenging to break free from, but we eventually move our way up and out, and leave it behind to naturally decay. We are focused on our new lives, with our colourful wings that allow us to take flight within the beautiful garden of paradise on Earth. There is no sense in resenting the cocoon we came from or dwelling in the past that is no longer relevant or part of our new reality. Our vibrant future is right here before us, in this Now Moment.

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New Moon in Aquarius – January 21

This New Moon is all about creating a New Reality, shaped by your own unique Truth & frequency.
This is a powerful time to go within and ask yourself any and all ways that you have sacrificed your own Truth and your unique self expression in order to ‘fit in’ to society, family, culture, or any other organization or system.
Please be gentle with yourself as you do this important work. Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable space. Hold yourself in compassion and love. Forgive yourself for agreeing on some level to conform in the ways you have in the past (your Soul knew it was the best way for you to grow in this life). And forgive others for their part in encouraging you to conform and hide your True Self from the world (on a bigger level, think of them more like actors on a stage that agreed to play a certain part in your life, so you could learn, grow & evolve).
The beautiful gift here is recognizing where you have been hiding your True Essence, and then choosing to behave differently. Choose your new frequency. You have free choice and always have. It’s not possible to act differently if you aren’t aware of the places you have been hiding your True Self. Awareness is the first step in changing your energy and your life.
Once you recognize the way(s) you have hidden your True Self from the world, you can now explore your own unique Essence, and share your energy, truth & unique frequency. This is how you start creating your life from an aligned and authentic place. In other words…
“Tear off the mask. Your face is glorious.”
It’s becoming more and more important to connect with our own unique frequency/energy/essence so we can continue coming back to it when we feel off balance and out of center. And so we can make decisions and take actions and express ourselves from our authentic heart space, rather than regurgitate someone else’s truth just so we can attempt to ‘fit in’. You were born to stand out in your own unique way, and so was everyone else. Master your inner vibration, and you master your outer world. But first you need to discover what your own unique frequency is.
When you have gotten in touch with your unique vibration, then you are invited to create New Moon intentions that help you come back to your own frequency in times you become out of balance. And that support you in creating the life you truly want (rather than putting energy and time into a life that someone else told you you should want).
Some intention setting prompts:
- What beliefs, opinions, thoughts or desires have you accepted as your truth but have never resonated with you?
- What does your unique frequency/truth/expression feel like to you? How does it feel in your body? Where do you feel it? How is it expressed?
- What is one way you can come back to this frequency in times you feel out of balance? Make sure to come back to it any and every time you don’t feel in your center. The more you do this, the easier it will become until it’s your new ‘home’ frequency.
Wishing you a powerful New Moon intention setting!
Lunar New Year + Uranus Direct – January 22

Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit!
Lunar New Year is thousands of years old and is believed to originate in ancient China. However, it is also celebrated in Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian & other Asian cultures, in Asia and around the world. It’s a time to get together with family and friends for fun festivities, delicious food, beautiful decorations and celebrations.
As it’s based on the Lunar Calendar and not the Solar Calendar, it’s date fluctuates year to year when aligned with our Gregorian Calendar. Lunar New Year always falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice.
There are 12 zodiac animals in the Lunar New Year Wheel and 5 elements – each combination bringing their own energies to the year. Most of 2022 was the Year of the Water Tiger. Most of 2023 will be the Year of the Water Rabbit. Rabbit is the sign of peace, prosperity, longevity & tenderness. Water is the element of flow, change & healing. We can expect this year to bring these gentler qualities into our lives on a more macro level, while we experience some big planetary shifts throughout the year as well.

Uranus also goes Direct this day in the sign of Taurus. This starts a 3 month time period where all the planets are moving Direct. This can be a time of great forward momentum in our lives, where things may feel a lot easier to take action on and move forward with. It can also feel a bit overwhelming because of all the possibilities available to us. You are invited to revisit your New Moon Intentions you set during this period, so you can keep coming back to your own ‘home’ frequency among all the swirling energies out there.
As Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, it’s also very beneficial to remember to stay grounded at this time by connecting with Nature, Mother Earth and the Elements, as well as our physical bodies. We may feel inspired to connect with our bodies, health and sensuality in new and different ways then ever before with gentle, yet powerful body movements, spending more time in Nature, creative expression and eating foods that really nourish our bodies. We may be feeling how the physical world is so powerfully affected by the energetic world, and how the two work together. We may even notice and feel certain foods just don’t feel good in our bodies anymore while other make us feel fantastic. Or that we need to add more movement in our day so our energy doesn’t become stagnant. However this unfolds for you, we are sending so much love.
Full Moon in Leo – February 5

This Full Moon is a beautiful continuation of the discoveries and intentions set during the New Moon back in January.
Leo is the sign of the Lion, and is associated with inspirational leadership & heart centered bravery. It takes great courage to look at the ways we’ve dimmed out own light, and then more courage still to then start showing up as our authentic selves in the world.
And that is exactly what this Full Moon is supporting us with…giving us the added light, courage and inspiration to align with our True inner selves and frequency, and express and live from that authentic place. When we combine the opposite energies of Aquarius (where the Sun is) and Leo (where the Moon is), we open up the axis between these two energies which expands us into more amazing possibilities. We can see the bigger picture (macro) and do the inner work (micro) that’s needed in order to change our own vibration, and the vibration of the world.
When we are resonating at our own unique frequency, we are in a state of harmony, peace & alignment. And we create our life and reality from this centered place. And we emanate this energy out to all we come across. And whether they know it or not, others are changed by our frequency too. When you lead by example and stand in your unique power, it inspires others to do the same.
This Full Moon may also shed light on areas we are still conforming, hiding our true selves and seeking validation and approval from others. If so, this is a powerful opportunity to further release these old beliefs and restrictions that no longer serve us. Thank them for their lessons, and release them with compassion.
Leo is a sign that reminds us to always come back to our Heart center. So if this Full Moon brings up the past in ways that bring you to a ‘victim’ mentality (dwelling on the ways you suppressed your truth and authentic self in the past), remember to come back to your center and to this Now Moment, where you are safe, you are loved and you are valued. And where you can choose to come back to your Home Frequency every time, anytime, all the time. It’s your choice. Choose to come back to your Heart center, the place of your power and unique frequency.
As you connect to your Heart, listen for whatever messages it has for you. If you have any specific questions, ask your Heart and listen for the answers it gives. The more you practice this ‘going inwards’ to your Heart Center and asking the questions you are seeking answers too, the easier it will become. And the more you will be living in alignment and creating the joyful life of your dreams.
So much love to you as you become more and more confident in expressing your authentic self.