Beauty is Everywhere

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” —Confucius
Life is full of beauty, you can find it everywhere.
It’s in the magical nature around you, the busy hardworking bee and the smiling child playing in the park.
It’s in the powerful moon looking down at us every night, the sweet warm sun warming our face and the beautiful soul looking back at you in the mirror every morning.
It’s in the smell of raindrops hitting the ground and making the grass wet, and the cold wind hugging you gently while blowing past you on it’s way to new adventures.
It’s the smell of flowers in the summer and the ocean waves hitting the shore or the beach with each powerful wave.
It’s the hot burning fire warming your skin on a chilly autumn day and the birds singing every morning as they welcome the new day.
It’s the music playing in your ears as you put on your favorite playlist and dance like no one is watching while your body moves to the music and your soul smiles within you.
It’s the sight of a loved one walking towards you with a big smile on their face or your animal running towards you in pure joy to greet you when you come home.
It’s the feeling of love, gratitude, bliss and peace, or how great it feels to love yourself and give yourself some self care and a break from the busy world.
It’s in everything around us and within us.
It’s everywhere.
Taking a break from your busy day to stop and smell, feel, look at, listen to and embrace the beauty around you or within you, that’s bliss.
Taking in all that beauty and really feeling it in your heart, will open up your heart center and shift your focus and put you in the present moment.
Feel the gratitude, how blessed you are for all this beauty.
This is a good way to shift your stressful mind from negativity and breaking free from the old patterns and habits for a few moments and become completely present in the moment you are in.
Start doing this for a few minutes every day, and with time you will notice that it becomes a part of your new self, and then you will see the beauty everywhere everyday.
What beauty can you find in this exact moment?
Love, beauty, light and blessings to you all