Becoming the Butterfly

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” -Maya Angelou
The beautiful butterfly goes through several stages in its transformation process, from being an egg, to a caterpillar, to a pupa and then becoming the beautiful and majestic butterfly. This is why it represents transformation on all levels.
The butterfly symbolizes rebirth, transformation, hope, nature, beauty, positivity, bravery, spiritual growth and freedom. It also represents the soul, spirituality, and is often looked at as a sign from the other side, for some people, when they come to you. Butterflies can come to us in our dreams or in real life, and can have a personal message or meaning for you. This can be different and personal for everyone. Listen to what you’re feeling when you see the butterfly. What emotions comes to the surface?
Representing the magical and deep process of transformation, the butterfly symbolizes the personal and spiritual growth which we all can go through. In the process of spiritual transformation we must retreat from the outside world and begin the journey to go deeper within.
And much like us, caterpillars have no way of knowing what’s coming their way next. But they listen to their inner calling to go within anyway, allowing death and rebirth to take place and transformation to happen.
While we are in the cocoon, we must start reflecting on our inner, deepest feelings, values, beliefs and habits. It is a time for self-reflection, positivity, inner healing and focus on our intentions as we undergo the process of discovering our next form.
Standing in dark, painful places and periods in our life, feeling lost and alone, maybe even feeling like there’s no light in the tunnel. That’s when we are in the caterpillar stage. We can all rise up and transform into a beautiful butterfly, shed the past and let the old self die.
When we use the darkness and pain to create inner growth and changes in our life, and learn the important lessons we need and are meant to learn and understand in order for us to grow, that’s when real change happens.
We all have the potential for growth and to break out of the old, dark cocoon we have been living in for so long. Sometimes the cocoon becomes so familiar and in a way “safe” to us, because it’s what we know and have become used to over time. Changes can therefor seem scary at times and breaking out of the cocoon can feel overwhelming.
I know the feeling very well. I spent most of my life in the darkness of the cocoon, only dreaming of and longing for the day I would break free from it. One day I woke up and had enough, I didn’t want to be in that dark, unhappy prison anymore. I knew I had to create changes and I wasn’t gonna quit or give up no matter what! This life is so precious, so I decided that I won’t spend it being unhappy, sick and only in pains anymore.
I started working on myself and all my inner issues, deep traumas and wounds, and I decided that I didn’t want to be my old self anymore, I wanted to become my best self. I set my intention and I decided to have 100% faith in the process.
Piece by piece my inner transformation took place. And I didn’t even realize it when I broke out of the cocoon and spread my wings, but the people in my life saw it clearly, and I slowly became aware of the changes happening within me, how I reacted, reflected and felt differently, and suddenly I started smiling more, enjoying life and feeling this radiant, powerful feeling of love and gratitude within me, growing stronger each day in my heart chakra.
I started the healing journey back to my soul. At times it felt very scary and overwhelming, I felt the fear crawling up my back, the anxiety building in my chest and the negative voice telling me: “you can’t do this, this is too much, you’re not good enough, you will fail….” But I decided to push through the fear and ignore the negative voice.
I kept walking, the journey felt new and unfamiliar. It was such a big world out there, when I broke out of my safe, little cocoon, but wow what an amazing world I found. I found love, magic, true gratitude, joy, bliss and a peace I’ve never felt before. And on my path I found other butterflies too, who also was transitioning.
You can take this journey anytime you want, you can break out of the cocoon and become the beautiful butterfly you were always meant to be. The strong, butterfly that spreads its wings and flies out into the world as a new, stronger and better version of itself. Flying from flower to flower, playing in the wind and embracing each moment of each day.
“How does one become a butterfly?
You have to want to learn to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
Believe in yourself, beautiful soul! It’s never too late to create changes in your life and start the journey back to your soul and become the best version of yourself and take the path of your highest destiny.
Lots of love and light to everyone