Becoming Who You Really Are

Aquarius Season
A powerful time to go within, connect with your Soul Essence, your True Self, your Authentic Frequency….
And radiate it out for all to see
Aquarius reminds us that we are each unique, and…
We are all connected
Like a single note in a beautiful symphony, we need to resonate our unique frequency and play our part in the greater Song of Life
Only you can find your authentic note and play it.
Find it by going within.
You are made up of different energies, your soul has many experiences – some painful and traumatic, and some joyful and empowering.
Accept that the painful experiences happened. And that in this moment, you don’t have to relive them.
In this moment, you can choose to feel gratitude, joy, pace, compassion, happiness
It doesn’t mean you pretend the past did not happen. It means you acknowledge it, and still choose to radiate a higher frequency in this moment.
It makes the ‘choosing’ more powerful and your radiating light, more beautiful because of what you have experienced, and what you choose to emit now.
You Are Love always, all ways
So much love to you as you walk this journey of remembering, reconnecting & resonating