Benefits of Receiving a Decoupling

When we are living with the fight-or-flight system turned on, our instinct goes bad. It’s hard to tune into our intuition and we start trusting people that we shouldn’t and we start mistrusting people who are good to us and wanna help us.
Maybe you have wondered why you have a bad instinct for men/women, and keep choosing the wrong partners and friends, and don’t listen to the red flags in front of you. Or wonder why things just doesn’t go your way in your life.
Do you know someone who always falls for the psychopath in the room or goes from one bad relationship to another? Or maybe you have been that person yourself in your life and always fell for psychopaths, narcissists, or abusive partners?
Because your fight-or-flight is turned on all the time and your body is living in stress, your instinct goes bad, and you often don’t read people and situations correctly. We can’t trust ourselves or others, because our body is in so much stress, and that is very damaging and toxic for our brain and our health.
We often end up misreading signals and situations, and experience negative energies and situations. We often find ourselves in a circle where we go into the same pattern with the same types of people and situations over and over, because we are out of balance within.
When we turn on the stress response, we are often in a state of panic and fear. In that emergency state we use up all our energy, and there’s not enough energy for healing or long term building in our body then, and our body starts creating disease as a result.
When our fight-or-flight and stress response is constantly active and turned on, our mind doesn’t function the way it should. It becomes more foggy, we can’t think straight and we often focus more on the problems than the solutions, becoming more suspicious and distrusting, instead of listening to our own intuition.
We look for answers outside of ourselves, from others or from the outside world, instead of looking inward, into our soul and intuition.
We often become out of alignment when we live in constant survival mode, unable to move forward, often being stuck in the past, in old pattern and limiting beliefs, while continuously rewriting the old story, instead of creating a new and better one for ourselves.
It is hard to meditate and go within when our nervous system is in constant stress, even our breathing and sleep gets affected.
Living with trauma can be very difficult and it affects our mental, emotional and physical health.
When we are in stress, our body is completely out of balance.
The decoupling process we use on our clients can help reset the fight-or-flight system in your body energetically. This can help you become more grounded, calm and peaceful. Your heart rate will drop, your breathing will become slower, and you will feel more relaxed and centered. This is a technique we use a lot in the Energy Medicine.
Lots of love <3