Cancer Season 2023 & June Solstice
June 21 – JuLY 22

Welcome to Self Care Cancer Season!
Cancer is a Water sign, ruled by the Moon, governing our emotions, our heart truths, our intuition, our inner world & our home life. This sign vibrates to the mantra: I Nurture. It’s the fourth sign in the Western Zodiac, after curious Gemini. It’s symbol is the crab, and what a powerful symbol for this sign. Cancer energy is really about boundaries and self care. We won’t have a stable home life or home frequency, if we don’t have boundaries (physical, emotional, energetic) that keep us feeling safe and protected. Just like the crab’s shell. And like the crab outgrowing it’s shell and needing to create a new, bigger one – there are times when we can outgrow our boundaries /our safe place/ our home frequency, and then we need to let this go and create new ones that better serve our new energy / identity / goals / feelings / beliefs / values. There’s a time after the crab sheds it’s old shell, but before it grows or finds a new one – where it is left very vulnerable (without a shell, without a home, without boundaries, without safety). This can happen for us as well, when we dissolve old boundaries that used to keep us feeling safe, but we have now outgrown. We may feel vulnerable for a time, without our old beliefs/safety/boundaries, until we find/create and nurture our new ones. This shedding of the shell can also be related to our emotions and inner beliefs, and releasing the old ones that no longer serve us, to explore and expand into a life that’s much bigger and where we have more room to grow.
Cancer energy is also very much about connecting to our heart voice and intuition – so we know when it’s time to shed the old, and welcome in the new, and when it’s time to keep the boundaries up for our own safety, protection and well-being. Cancer is also a very nurturing energy, and so is often associated with the ‘Mother’ archetype, but in reality everyone has this energy in their chart, so everyone has this nurturing ability. Cancer is an energy that wants to make sure that (once it feels safe within it’s own boundaries) that others feel safe too, and so it can have a very protective side to it as well. Cancer season also reminds us of the importance of Self Care. If we don’t fill our cup up first with enough love and self care, then we are giving to others from an empty cup, and it’s not sustainable, nor is it for everyone’s highest good. This can cause resentment in the person who is giving, giving, giving so much, and create a toxic co-dependent relationship with others who just take, take, take. This is why self care is so important – it slows us down enough to listen back to our feelings, intuition and heart voice, and set the necessary boundaries when needed to fill our own cup up first. Cancer is also very connected to family. This can be blood relatives and ‘found’ family. Many times, our blood relatives can really cross our boundaries and so they provide great opportunity to practice setting them and learning what makes us feel safe or not. Sometimes our blood relatives are very toxic, and so we need to go out and find our ‘soul’ family or ‘found’ family – who we have deeper heart & soul connections too. This is perfectly ok. This is still family. Family are those souls that love you unconditionally, just as you are, and care about your safety, feelings & well-being.
Divine Expressions of Cancer
Prioritizing self care. Healthy boundaries. Knowing when to say ‘no’ so that when we say ‘yes’ it’s with a true & full heart. Protecting self & loved ones. Giving from a full cup. Very connected to intuition & own emotions. Open and loving heart. Unconditionally loving of self & others. Allows emotions to flow & pass through without ignoring them or allowing them to get stuck in the body. Knowing what emotions our ours, and what emotions are someone else’s. Loving and supportive family environment. Creating a safe and loving home.
Distorted Expressions of Cancer
Toxic co-dependency with others. Giving too much to others and feeling resentful because we’re not receiving the same back. Not saying ‘no’ when we need too. Not setting healthy boundaries. Getting lost in emotions and not knowing how to self soothe and release them. Not knowing what emotions are ours, and what emotions are someone else’s (becoming energetically entangled with another because our lack of boundary setting). Being taken advantage of by others / feeling ‘hurt’ all the time because others don’t treat us with the same kindness/thoughtfulness but not making any changes/communicating boundaries or changing who we spend time with. Not taking responsibility for our own happiness (or unhappiness). Not prioritizing self care.
Balancing Cancer Energy
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries! They are so important with this sign. Taking time to self care, so that we can slow down and connect to our intuition, our heart voice, and really listen to what our true needs, wants & desires are – so we know what boundaries we need to set with others, and what boundaries can be negotiated or dissolved completely. Realizing that some boundaries are always shifting (because our needs, beliefs & values can shift) and some boundaries need to stay the same (ie. not tolerating abuse). Some boundaries are negotiable, and some are non-negotiable. Knowing what our boundaries actually are is the first step in the process. The next step is using our clear expression to communicate these boundaries. Not everyone will like our boundaries, and that’s ok. It’s still important to know our own boundaries and express them. This is where we can find out who we want to spend more of our time with (those who are respectful of our boundaries) and who we don’t want to spend as much time with (those who make no efforts to respect our boundaries and instead try to make us feel small for communicating our needs/boundaries).
Self care is such an important part of boundary setting. If we don’t prioritize ourselves when we need too, we don’t teach others to prioritize us either. Then we are never receiving what we need, when we need it – and everyone thinks we are ok with that. Saying ‘no’ when we need too, is so important. Because it lets others know that we have limits, we have needs, we have boundaries & we have self love. Someone who truly loves themselves as much as they love others, will set healthy boundaries and not feel guilty for doing so – because they know they matter just as much as everyone else. They are not ‘lesser than.’ They are equal to. So remembering to give that beautiful nourishment, love and ‘space holding’ to yourself first, and asking when you need support – is so important in living a balanced life. This allows you to give to others from an abundant cup of unconditional love, when you have the capacity to do so. Instead of giving in order to receive approval/validation/love, you are now giving without expectation of anything, because your own cup is full. You give unconditional love, because you are overflowing with it. And you know when to say ‘no’ and replenish when feeling out of balance.
The opposite sign of Cancer is Capricorn, an Earth sign. Bringing in the Divine Expressions of Capricorn can really support the Distorted Expressions of Cancer – and help balance the energies out. Capricorn is very much about working hard, providing stability financially and materially (house, clothing, education, etc), working towards long term goals and achieving ‘success’ in life (financially, reputation-wise, career-wise, material world). And doing so by working hard, building resources over time, planning schedules wisely, and setting necessary boundaries to steadily climb to the top of the mountain. Capricorn relies on healthy boundaries in order to feel safe & grounded enough to begin their climb to the top (and with each step up). Being an Earth sign, it also can counter balance all the watery emotions that Cancer can intensely feel when in Distorted Expressions. Capricorn energy can help us feel more grounded, stable and secure by creating those necessary boundaries and focusing on our highest goals in life. Capricorn energy reminds that it’s not only ‘ok’ to set those important boundaries in life, but necessary if we want to achieve our highest dreams. Sometimes we have to put ourselves first, and that’s perfectly ok. It’s all about a life balance. Because too much work can lead to burnout – which self care Cancer energy can balance out.
Cancer Crystals
You are invited to work with whichever crystals you intuitively feel called to work with (first and foremost, trust your own intuition!). And, here are also some suggested crystals you can work with over this Cancer Season (very briefly described):
Moonstone – intuition, connection to Spirit, Guides & Higher Self, soothes stress, calms emotions
Rose Quartz – opening the heart, giving & receiving unconditional love, heart healing & connection
Lapis Lazuli – opens third eye, intuition, clear thoughts, clear seeing/clairvoyance, calms depression
Aquamarine – connected to ocean healing, inner truth, compassionate expression, insights, truth, wisdom

June Solstice – June 21

Cancer Season always begins on the June Solstice – the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.
In many ancient cultures around the world, the June Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) was a time to welcome in the longer days & warmth of the Sun, while the June Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) was a time to mark the shortest day of the year and celebrate the Sun’s return from that point on.
June Solstice is a highly potent time to connect with the Sun’s energy, and give gratitude for the powerful energy it brings to Earth and each one of us (warmth, light, energy, life). If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s a time to bask in the sunlight, enjoy the long days, celebrate life with loved ones and further nurture the seeds of intention that you planted back during the December Winter Solstice. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s a time to turn more inwards, to honour our inner fires that keep us warm throughout the longer nights – and plant our seeds of intention in the nurturing darkness, to bloom during the Summer Solstice in 6 months. It’s also a beautiful time to honour both the dualities & oneness of the Earth and all the beings here. Within the opposites (longest day of the year in the North, and shortest day of the year in the South) there is peace, balance & harmony. There is a unity, even in the extremes, when we zoom out enough to see the bigger picture – when we realize that we are all connected. We are all One.
As the June Solstice marks the beginning of Cancer Sun Season, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to bring focus back to our inner world, our self care routines & our self love & compassion. When we truly love the Self, when we have taken the time to fill our own cups up – then we can give back to others exponentially, and with open hearts. Giving from a place of unconditional love, rather than from a place of expectation of anything in return (consciously or unconsciously).

Full Moon in Capricorn – JuLY 3
11o Capricorn

The Full Moon in Capricorn can bring us back ‘down to Earth,’ grounding us within the watery, emotional energies of Cancer Season. Capricorn is an extremely practical and hard working sign. We may find ourselves extra busy around this Full Moon, doing, doing doing. This may be a positive thing (helping us move steadily towards our life goals), but make sure to regularly ‘check in’ with yourself to see if and when you are needing to balance this energy with rest and self care.
With a Capricorn Full Moon, there can be energies and feelings of ‘not enough’ coming up. This is a shadow side of this energy – working hard to build a reputation, to achieve material success, or to make our family proud – and loosing ourselves and our self compassion along the way. Overworking, to achieve a goal. Burning out. Valuing material success over emotional health & well-being. Capricorn’s shadow side can also be very competitive, when insecure. This is brought up by a false belief (but a powerful one nonetheless) that there aren’t enough resources for everyone to go around: not enough food, not enough money, not enough time, not enough love, etc. This is untrue – yet it’s a widely accepted belief. When we remember to connect back with Mother Earth (who has more than enough love, energy & sustenance to go around) we can relax in knowing that we are always provided for. When our energy is out of balance, then we are more susceptible to the false belief that there is not ‘enough’ to go around for everyone. Another ‘not enough’ energy that can show up around this Full Moon is the feeling of ‘I am not enough.’ This is one that can cause a lot of challenges in life, and it’s one that so many of us carry. If you notice this come up, you are invited to have extra loving compassion for yourself, and to remember your inherent nature: ‘I Am enough, exactly as I Am.’ You are invited to include your favourite self care practice as well – telling yourself that you are worthy of taking the time, energy & focus for you and your self care.
If you start feeling these shadow sides of Capricorn come up, you are invited to connect back to Mother Earth by going to your favourite place in nature and connecting with the land/elements/animals/plants/waters/crystals, and/or by doing our FREE Re-Set Meditation here.
And as always, after your energy Re-Set & self reflection, you are invited to do a releasing practice, such as Fire Ceremony – releasing anything and everything that is not serving your highest good and the highest good of all. If you don’t already have a Fire Ceremony practice, you are welcome to take inspiration from us here.

New Moon in Cancer – JuLY 17
24o Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer can be a very emotional moon. The Moon is the ruling ‘planet’ of Cancer, and both carry very watery and emotional energy. So this New Moon can sometimes feel like a Full Moon with all the emotional water energy that surrounds it. But especially so if there are things in our ‘inner world’ that we haven’t yet dealt with, or that were just not ready to enter into our awareness until now. This doesn’t mean that we will be complete emotional ‘messes’ during this New Moon in Cancer. Instead, it means it’s extra important to prioritize time and space to self care & self nurture. This means, providing a safe space to allow whatever feelings need to come up, to come up – and to do our best not to judge these feelings. Feelings are not actually ‘ours.’ They are just streams of energy that float around, and if our own energy is a vibrational match within (consciously or unconsciously) then we are more likely to feel those feelings. For example, if deep down, we haven’t healed all our grief from a loss or heart break on an unconscious level, then we hold that frequency within our energy, and we can therefore attract energy, people & situations that bring up those feelings of grief. It’s not to punish us and it doesn’t mean that we aren’t ‘good enough’ or ‘healed enough’ or ‘spiritual enough’ or any of that. It’s actually a beautiful opportunity to become more aware of these deeper feelings that we still carry (on this unconscious level), acknowledge them, and then release them / let them go. Judgement of these feelings only creates further attachments to them. So you are invited to release any judgements you have around these feelings, so you can truly be free of them on deeper and deeper levels. Both Cancer and the Moon are also connected to intuition. As we connect with our Heart voice more and more, and learn to listen to our inner wise voice – we build more and more trust in our own intuition. It’s like building up a muscle – the more we practice connecting to and acknowledging our intuition, the easier it becomes to hear it’s messages. What helps you connect to your intuition? Meditation, places in nature (like the ocean), working with certain elements, sound healing, relaxation..?
Healing Ocean/water Practice
As Cancer & the Moon are both connected to water and the Ocean in particular, it’s very powerful to use the element of water in ritual or self care practice at this New Moon. Taking a relaxing bath with healing epson salts, or a mindful shower (feeling every drop of water cleanse your energetic & emotional bodies as well as your physical body) or spending time at the beach/ocean, or any body of living water, or listening to water sounds (online, a recording, from a fountain, the rain or elsewhere), cleansing your crystals in New Moon water as a way to charge & energize them – are all beautiful ways of working with the water element. If you can be by the ocean, or listen to ocean sounds or look at pictures of the ocean and meditate – you can imagine that as the ocean waves go out, you release any and all heavy emotions that no longer serve you, and as the ocean waves comes back in, you receive healing, nourishing & rejuvenating energy from Mother Ocean & Mother Earth, into your heart center. You can do this as many times as feels good. Then you are invited to reflect on the following prompts…
Intention Setting Prompts
- Where in my life am I feeling tired & burnt out? How can I balance this with more self care & self love?
- What areas in my life do I need to set new healthy boundaries to bring more space and/or safety into my life? How can I set these boundaries?
- What is my current self care practice? How often do I practice this? Do I need to prioratize this more often to fill up my own cup?
- Do I feel resentful of giving to others? If so, who do I feel this way towards? In what circumstances? How does this relationship need to change? What do I need to do to change this?
- What is your heart and your intuition telling you at this time? How do you connect to your intuition? How do you tell your intuition apart from your fear? The more you are aware of this, the easier it is to trust your intuition/ heart voice.
Wishing you a beautiful, nourishing & healing New Moon!

Coming Up Next: Leo Season – July 22

See Also:
Aries Season 2023 – March 20 – April 20
Taurus Season 2023 – April 20 – May 21
Gemini Season 2023 – May 21 – June 21
Pluto Enters Aquarius – March 23
Saturn Enters Pisces – March 7

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