Full Moon in Aquarius 2022 Energies

This Full Moon in Aquarius is all about finding your unique place within the larger group of society.
Being & expressing your authentic, heart centered self, within a larger group / society, for the benefit of all involved.
The high sides of this Full Moon energy are a harmonious balance between standing out as your most authentic self (you just being you) and supporting the greater community.
Just a few examples of this energy:
- an artisanal baker in a local town (baker gets to be their creative self while sharing their joy and skills with those around them, and being valued and appreciated for it).
- An activist spreading the word and advocating for the expansion of human rights and freedoms (activist is passionate about changing their community / the world, and uses their voice, gifts and skills to inspire and create changes that benefit the many).
How are these Leo and Aquarius energies showing up for you right now?
What are you inspired to change right now?
What are you feeling passionate to share with others?
Alternatively, what ways are you hiding your authentic self from the world?
What ways do you feel ‘too much’ or dim your light?
And how is that blocking you from reaching the people and groups you wish to connect with, inspire and/or serve?
Contemplate on any or all of these these questions this Full Moon, by writing and journaling your thoughts down. Get them out of your head and on paper. Read your answers out loud to yourself and pay attention to how you feel when reading them.
Release the heavy energies that you no longer wish to carry (in, you guessed it – a fire ceremony! or through breath work, or whatever way works best for you to release).
Remember, that each New and Full Moons are times to bring more awareness and more intention into our lives. You are tending and nurturing the seeds you planted at the New Moon in Leo – look back at what you planted then, and how your intentions are manifesting now.
You may be ready to harvest, or maybe your seeds need more time and love to grow.
Either way, look back and acknowledge how far you’ve come, and where you want to go next.
Lots of Love <3