Full Moon in Libra 2023
April 5

This Full Moon in Libra is the first of the New Astrological Year. With any Full Moon energy, the Moon is in one sign (in this case, Libra) and the Sun is in the opposite sign (in this case, Aries). During this Full Moon, the Sun’s rays are shedding light on the areas of our life where we may need to bring in more understanding, compassion, harmony & balance into our lives. It shows us where our shadows are, especially when it comes to Self Love, and how we stand in our own power (Aries), within relationships (Libra).
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus – the planet of love, beauty, harmony & relationships. This Full Moon in Libra is a beautiful opportunity to become aware of the shadow aspects of ourselves (where we may show up as selfish, where we don’t stand in our own power, where we don’t show up as our authentic selves in relationships, the parts of ourselves that we have abandoned or outcast) and bring Unconditional Love to these areas/aspects. Instead of shunning, judging, condemning or ignoring/bypassing these shadow aspects, we can witness them, see them clearly, and hold them in compassion and true love – welcoming them back into wholeness. As we do this Self Love work within, it simultaneously opens up our Hearts to allow more flow of loving energy to move within and without. If we don’t love ourselves (all parts of ourselves, the seemingly good, bad, ugly & beautiful) equally, then there are aspects of ourselves that we are denying, judging, abandoning & ignoring. We are telling ourselves that certain parts of us are ‘good’ and ‘lovable’ and other parts are ‘bad’ and ‘unlovable’, when that’s actually not the Truth of who we really are.
This Libra Full Moon is an opportunity to bring all the parts of ourselves back into wholeness. If there are parts of yourself, behaviours, thoughts, feelings that you express in your life, that you are ashamed of – now is the time to hold these in Unconditional Love. When you learn to love All parts of yourself (not just the seemingly ‘good’ ones) that is True Love, that is Self Love. And from this space of True Self Love & acceptance for who we Truly are, we can give and receive True Love outside of ourselves (in relationships) with ease, beauty, abundance, grace & joy.
This is why it’s so important to connect with the Aries energy of ‘focusing on the Self’ at times – because then we can do the inner work that’s necessary to Love ourselves back into wholeness, and then show up in our relationships and the world around us, with more love, authenticity, joy, creativity and inspiration. Because when we love ourselves (all the parts), this is when we connect back to our True Power, the Inner Power that comes from the Heart. This Self Love, opens up the powerful portal of our Heart energy, so that everything we do, say, think, feel is done so from a place of Love. And this is a path to even more love, flow, abundance, beauty, grace, connection & empowerment in our lives. And when we embody this beautiful and High Frequency Self Love, the relationships around us change. They have too. Because we have changed. And we will come into alignment with healthier relationships and out of alignment with unhealthy relationships. Some relationships may end, and some may stay, but will be changed. This is all ok. This is your life shifting before your eyes, because you have shifted your energy within. And whenever we Love ourselves or others Unconditionally, the shifts that occur are always with the Highest Good of All (whether we see that at the time or not).
Self Love Re-Membering Practice
Make time this Full Moon to sit with yourself in a safe space (perhaps you want to be alone, or perhaps you want to be with others, follow your feelings and intuition on what is for your Highest Good at this time). And allow the Sun’s light to reveal to you any and all shadow aspects of yourself that are ready to be seen, witnessed & acknowledged at this time. They are coming up to be Loved back into Wholeness. All you need to do is allow them to come up, without judging them. Just see/feel/hear/witness them as they are, and try to take any stories out of the experience. Once you see/feel/hear these shadow aspects of yourself, surround them in Compassion and Unconditional Love. Know that you did the very best you could at the time, with the awareness, tools and ability you had at the time. Now you are a different person, so of course you would do things differently. Life is not about being perfect, it’s about growing from our experiences. Have you grown? In what ways have you grown? Honour these by celebrating all the ways you have grown. And allow yourself to feel gratitude for this growth experience. You would not be the person you are today, without all of your experiences (including these shadow ones). Give yourself the Love, compassion, approval & forgiveness that you need to feel at peace within yourself again. You are inherently worthy of Love. In fact, You Are Love. Manifest in physical form. Re-Member this, and feel it in your Heart. You Are Love and You Are Loved. And You Give & Receive Unconditional Love Freely. Always. All Ways.
Beautiful Blessings to All as we continue our journey of Re-Membering Who We Truly Are.
If you would like to do a peaceful grounding meditation before your Self Love Remembering Practice, you are invited to sign up and receive our Free Fight or Flight Re-Set Meditation below. Offered in Love, for Your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All.

See Also:
Aries Season & March Equinox 2023 – March 20 – April 20
First New Moon in Aries 2023 – March 21
Pluto Enters Aquarius 2023 – March 23
Second New Moon in Aries & Solar Eclipse 2023 – April 19

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