How Astrology Supports Our Healing Journey

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi
You’ve probably heard this quote by Rumi before, but I felt called to remind us all today of its truth.
Astrology shows us the area of our lives where we have had the most challenges in life – and can show empowering ways to move through these challenges and support our highest healing journey.
Right now, we are all releasing pains from our past (south node in Scorpio) and learning new ways to heal and live a beautiful life (north node in Taurus).
Looking at your personal natal chart can show you the areas of life where you are needing to release past pains / challenges / old stories and how to align with new, more supportive behaviours and patterns.
You may be feeling challenges arise.
You may be feeling old pains come up.
You may be seeing old, unsupportive patterns surface.
And yet… you are still here.
You have survived it all before.
And you have grown & expanded and come back to yourself – more of your whole self – again & again & again.
You are not here to suffer.
You are here to face your challenges with the strength and heart of the Lion.
Your pain has shown you the places you need to self care and self love the most, and if needed, ask for support from others you trust (friends, family, professionals).
You are here to break the old patterns.
And come back to your center.
Come back home to yourself.
If you would like to know more about your personal natal chart and shed light on areas you’re feeling most challenged by in life, as well as your greatest strengths and ways to move through these challenges – I am offering 60 minute astrology readings in English for a reduced price of $50 USD, for the first 10 sessions booked in August.
After August, astrology prices will go up to $100 USD for a 60 minute session.
If you would like a reading but speak Portuguese, Italian, Swedish or German I can refer you to some great Astrologers who can give you a reading in any of the above languages.
You are not alone.
You are not your pain and trauma.
You are a beautiful Soul, who has a beautiful life to live.
Live it!
Lots of Love to All <3