Leo Season 2023
July 22 – August 23

Welcome to Empowering Leo Season!
Leo is a Fire sign, ruled by the Sun, governing our individual identity, our life force energy, creative power & how we shine our light in the world. Leo Season 2023 is all about fun, new creations & celebrating life. This sign vibrates to the mantra: I Empower. It’s the fifth sign in the Western Zodiac, after nurturing Cancer, and it’s symbol is the lion / lioness.
The lion/lioness represents courage, royalty, leadership, success, fierce love, strength & protection – all attributes connected with Leo. This sign is all about celebrating our achievements / skills / creations / life by having a healthy amount of pride in our accomplishments, and being valued for what creations we bring to the world (art, cooking, music, children, dance, writing, design, new inventions/ideas, etc). It’s also connected to creative life force energy, joy & our Inner Child.
Click here for Divine & Distorted Expressions of Leo, Leo Crystals & more...Leo Season is a time to step further into our True Power by doing more Inner Child healing, dissolving any energetic chords that may be draining us (so we can shine our full light more beautifully) and connecting with our heart on deeper levels. It’s also a time to allow our gifts and talents to shine (while providing space & encouragement for others’ gifts and talents to shine as well), to have fun & celebrate life with people we love!
Leo is very much about creating: art, music, celebrations, children, projects, stories, etc …. Creations happen when we combine and work with both masculine (active/giving/outward) energy & feminine (reflective/receptive/internal) energy. These energies are not about gender. They are about the way the energy flows/moves/behaves. So if it helps to label them Yang (active) & Yin (receptive), or otherwise, please do so. We need the right combination of both these energies in order to create anything. We can’t create anything of meaning or value if we’re constantly taking actions without thinking or connecting to our inspiration. We also can’t create anything of meaning or value if we’re only ‘thinking’ or ‘dreaming’ about doing something, without taking any action steps towards making it a reality. We need the right mix of both to create powerfully. Leo encourages us to step into our true power, so we can create the life we want – in balance with our Yang (active/giving/outward/masculine) and Yin (reflective/receptive/internal/feminine) energies. We all have both energies within us, so we all hold the capacity to create. When we understand our gifts & skills and how they can be supportive to our communities – then we can get together with others and co-create something even more grand, beautiful, empowering & supportive.
Divine Expressions of Leo
Empowerment. Courage. Inspired Action. Heart-Centered Leadership. Protection. Joy. Celebration. Creative Power. Healthy Inner Child. True Power (not ‘power over’ or ‘power under’). Divine Reclamation. Regal. Healthy Confidence. Success. Abundance. Life of the Party. Seeing the Divine in Self & Other. Divine Inner Authority. Shining Light. Being Vulnerable Sometimes. Strong. Appreciative of Self & Others.
Distorted Expressions of Leo
Disempowering. Abusing Power. Ego-Led Leadership. Self Centered. Overly Dramatic. Inner Child Wounding. Letting Ego Run Things. Insecure. In-Lack. False Confidence. Partying Excessively to Escape Problems. Peter Pan Syndrome (not growing up / taking responsibility because Inner Child Woundings need to be addressed). Always needing to be the Center of Attention and not allowing space for others to step into the limelight.
Balancing Leo Energy
Leadership is very often associated with Leo. Depending on whether Leo energy is inspired by the heart or the ego, the leadership will look very different though. Leadership led by the ego alone can show up very controlling, domineering, selfish and abusive of power. Leadership led by the heart, is inspiring, encouraging, steadfast, empowering & joyful. So, if you are in a leadership position in some way (ie. teacher, manager, parent, supervisor, CEO, etc), it’s important to self reflect regularly and make sure we’re leading from our heart and not our ego alone. The ego isn’t ‘bad’ – it can be very rewarding to follow our heart desires – but the key is that we’re connecting with our ‘heart’ and allowing that to drive our leadership. Lead with the heart and we stand strong in our power, while encouraging others to step into their own power more fully.
Inner Child Healing
Leo loves celebrating and having fun in life, and being the ‘life of the party!’ They can be so much fun to be around, inspiring others by bringing more joy and happiness into their lives. This is very closely connected to the Inner Child. When we have a healthy Inner Child, who we connect with regularly, we are more open to this fun, celebratory energy – in healthy ways. When our Inner Child woundings come to the surface, we are likely not in a mood to celebrate, or we may celebrate/party excessively, or become very self centered as a way to escape/distract ourselves from our pain. When in this shadow state, Leo energy can become overly dramatic and self centered – making everything about them, all the time and not leaving any room for others to express themselves or share the attention/focus. The Inner Child wounds can also come up when the Leo energy doesn’t feel appreciated and/or feels taken for granted. None of this is anything to judge, but rather an opportunity to look inwards and see what our Inner Child is needing to feel safe, loved & valued – and then providing this to our Inner Child. If we are not receiving what we need from people around us, then we need to give this to ourselves – don’t wait for someone else to ‘approve’ of you or ‘validate’ you – it’s nice when others do, but it’s more powerful when we feel and know our worth deep within ourselves. Then we are not at the mercy of hearing it from others in order to take our next step or live fully in the world. And, we may need to communicate our needs with others, and/or re-think our relationships. When we do this work, we have a healthier Inner Child who knows we always have their back. They are an integral part of our lives (throughout all stages of life, not just in childhood) and we count on them to lead us to fun, celebration, happiness & joy again.
Aquarius – The Bigger Picture
Another supportive way to Balance Leo energy is to connect with it’s opposite sign, Aquarius. Many people confuse Aquarius for a ‘water’ sign, but it’s actually an ‘Air’ sign. Air is the element connected to the mind, mental thoughts, learning, knowledge, intellect, new ideas & communication (writing, speaking, listening…). Whereas Leo is a ‘Fire’ sign – connected to action, bravery, leadership, forward motion, inspiration & creative energy. But if we don’t stop to reflect and think about the bigger picture (Aquarius energy) then we aren’t directing our action & creative energy (Leo) as effectively or efficiently as we could be. Leo is more focused on the Self (which is great when becoming aware of our gifts, skills, shadows, experiences, creative potentials & how to express them) and needs to be balanced with the Divine Aquarian energy connected with the larger group/organization/humanity/world (bigger picture). This is where we can see how our unique skills, experiences, expertise and creative energy can be used for the good of the ‘whole’ group/planet. Our unique gifts can contribute to a better world for All. And in turn, we can inspire other individuals to nurture their own gifts so they can also contribute to a better world for All. So, if your creative flow/inspiration is feeling stuck, it may be a good time to expand beyond the Self and connect with different people/groups/organizations and see where your unique skill/experiences can make a positive difference. It may inspire you to travel down a path you might never have otherwise, leading you exactly where you needed to be – having a positive impact and feeling appreciated for what you bring to the group/organization/community/world.
Leo Crystals
You are invited to work with whichever crystals you intuitively feel called to work with (first and foremost, trust your own intuition!). And, here are also some suggested crystals you can work with over this Leo Season (very briefly described):
Sunstone – Solar Energy. Leadership. Personal Power. Freedom. Expansion. Abundance. Joy. Mental Clarity.
Gold Tiger’s Eye – Divine Vision. Solar & Earth Energy. Grounding. Creativity. Wealth. Clarity of Intention.
Pyrite – Physical, Emotional & Energetic Protection. Intellect. Confidence. Abundance. Seeing Through Lies.
Ruby – Nobility. Passion. Protection. Prosperity. Vitality. Life Force Energy. Concentration. Motivation. Love.
Citrine – Manifestation. Personal Will. Solar Energy. Creativity. New Beginnings. Happiness. New Life.
Red Goldstone – Confidence. Ambition. Motivation. Vitality. Calms Anxiety. Grounding. Boundary Setting.

Chiron Rx in Aries
July 23 – December 26
Chiron is going retrograde in Aries. Retrograde just means that from our perspective here on Earth, it will look like Chiron is moving backwards in the sky (but in actuality it’s not). This backwards motion affects the energy here on Earth and everyone on Earth. When a planet or asteroid moves retrograde/backwards, it means that the energy will be felt/experienced more internally than externally. And planets and asteroids go retrograde all the time – it’s quite normal. It gives us all an opportunity to pay more attention to this energy in our inner world, and do reflecting , healing or realigning of this energy – so that when it begins to move forward again (December 26, 2023 for Chiron), we’ll see more positive manifestations in our outer world.
Click here to learn What Chiron In Aries Means & How It Affects You...Chiron is considered both a minor planet & a comet. It’s orbit is near the giant planets in the outer part of the Solar System, and it’s energy has a huge impact on our personal & collective natal charts. Chiron is named after the great teacher and healer centaur in Greek mythology – often called ‘the wounded healer.’ Chiron carries this ‘wounded healer’ energy in our own charts. It’s the place in our charts where we have experienced a lot of pain, suffering & wounding – and simultaneously holds the immense potential for our greatest growth, maturation, self healing & wisdom to blossom. And once it has blossomed, we can share our powerful lessons, experiences, wisdom with others who face the same challenges.
Aries is the sign of the Ram, running head first into the unknown with a childlike innocence for exploration and adventure. Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac, and is a passionate, strong, curious, creative & pioneering sign. It’s mantra is: I Am. It can be a very engaging and fun energy to be around, and in it’s shadow it can be selfish, domineering & bossy. When Chiron is in the sign of Aries, it means that our woundings and great lessons in life are connected to the shadow sides of Aries. People with their Natal Chiron in Aries may find it challenging to put themselves first, to speak their mind, to take leaps of faith into the unknown, to find their courage and express their boundaries (especially in relationships). They may experience the shadow sides of Aries being reflected back to them in their relationships (having parents, siblings, friends and/or romantic partners who frequently express the shadow sides of Aries mentioned above). And on a collective level, we are likely all feeling some of these Aries shadow sides come up (since Chiron is currently in the sign of Aries). The beautiful thing here is that this Chiron Retrograde in Aries is another opportunity to go inwards and reflect on the situations & relationships that are expressing the shadow sides of Aries – and change them! This is how we grow. We aren’t meant to suffer. We take our past pain and transform it into wisdom and medicine, just like the centraur, Chiron, in Greek mythology. As Rumi so powerfully shared:
“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”
~ Rumi
We can learn from the Divine sides of Aries, how to stand up for ourselves, set healthy boundaries, speak our truth, put ourselves first sometimes, embrace our courage & take that first step into the unknown, towards the direction of our dreams. this Chiron Retrograde is a perfect time to do reflective work on where you’ve played small, where you’ve not set necessary boundaries, where you’ve put yourself last when you shouldn’t have, where you wanted to say ‘no’ but didn’t have the courage to do so, where you’ve been afraid to take that next big step in life. From July 23 to December 26, is a powerful time for this self contemplative work, to become more aware of how you’ve been blocking your own energy, and what needs to change so you can live a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. So that when December 26th comes along, you’ll have done the work, and planted the new seeds, and can start seeing the fruits of your hard work begin to manifest in your outer world.
Chiron Conjunct the Collective North Node (Collective Destiny)
Another important energy that will be effecting Chiron Rx (and our inner reflections of our past woundings) is the Collective North Node (our collective destiny). It’s moving closer and closer to the Collective Chiron. On July 23rd, they will be just over 10 degrees away from each other, and by December 26th, they will be 7 degrees from each other. This means that their energies are strongly influencing each other. So, it’s extra important to do this reflective Chiron healing, as it’s directly related to unblocking the path to our Highest Destinies. The more people who truly know how beautiful, special, Divine, powerful & creative they are, the more people are living happy, fulfilling lives and who are radiating high frequency energies all around them – this affects the whole world. You affect the whole world. This is why it’s so important that you remember how powerful you truly are. How loving (and loved) you truly are. How beautiful you truly are. How creative you truly are. Because when you remember, and you express this, the energy spreads like fire. When you shine your light, it inspires others to shine theirs. It’s not selfish to focus on yourself and your healing journey, so you can shine your light even brighter. It’s a gift you give to the world, and beyond.

Full Moon in Aquarius – August 1
9o Aquarius

The Full Moon in Aquarius is about expressing your own unique frequency in the world – and unblocking anything that comes in the way of that. You were created unique. You have a combination of skills, experiences, wisdom, knowledge & ideas that no one else has – and the world needs you to Be You! Aquarius energy is all about embracing what makes you unique, and then sharing that with the larger community, to create positive impact in the world. The Full Moon in Aquarius can generally tend to be less emotional than other moons (especially water moons: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces). The Aquarius Full Moon instead focuses on new and innovative ideas, creations, ways of thinking and expressing, and new inventions that that can change your life (and/or your family, community or the world) for the better!
Read more on the Full Moon in Aquarius + Self Reflection Questions...Aquarius is the ‘Sacred Rebel’ of the zodiac. This energy doesn’t just ‘march to the beat of their own drum’, they likely created their own drum and the song they are drumming (or at the very least, painted their drum in a unique, meaningful way that likely also makes a noticeable statement!). This Full Moon is all about embracing your own uniqueness so that you can connect with that energy more fully and deeply and express it out into the world.
Most of us have been conditioned since birth, to conform, and ‘fit in’ to society, family, community, education system, etc… in order to ‘make it’ or be ‘successful’ in some way (or more likely so we don’t get made fun of and ostracized or shunned by these groups). But we are each unique, and have unique thoughts, expressions, ideas and ways we want to Be and live our lives. This is the time to really connect with this side of ourselves – that we likely have pushed down, hushed or suppressed for quite some time, because it made us stand out from everyone else (and maybe that didn’t feel safe to stand out of the crowd at that time). But now is a different time, and it’s so important for each of us to connect with our uniqueness, the things that make us stand out and that make us feel good about ourselves and that can spread more joy, happiness, justice, freedom, beauty & love to others. When we connect to ourselves in this way, and love what makes us unique – we connect with a deeper part of our Essence, and energize ourselves, shining our beautiful light even more powerfully and contagiously.
Not only is it important to get in touch with this wildly unique part of yourself, just generally speaking or to be of highest service to others and/or Mother Earth – but if this part of us is strong, then we can make better decisions for ourselves more quickly, effectively and confidently. Think about it: if we are hiding this part of ourselves that is unique to anyone else, out of fear of standing out – we are also hiding this part from ourselves on some level. If a vital part of ourselves is hidden from ourselves, how can we make the best decisions for ourselves? The answer is, we can’t (or it’s very difficult to do so without some sort of outside intervention). We need to connect to this part of ourselves so that we truly see, understand and accept more of who we really are, and better know what we should be saying ‘yes’ to, and what we should be saying ‘no’ to.
If you are already in touch with your wild and unique side, wonderful! Celebrate this! Wishing you all the best on your journey. If you are wanting to dig deeper into your wild unique self, below are some questions to help you reflect on this side of your, and what you’d like to celebrate this Full Moon and what you are further letting go of….
Reflection Questions & Prompts
- What did you love to do as a kid (what lit you up), but you have since kept hidden or to yourself? Why?
- What’s the worst that can happen if you were to embrace this side / activity / hobby again?
- What’s the best thing that can happen if you were to embrace this side / activity / hobby again?
- Is there anything else in your life that brings you the same (or higher) amount of enjoyment, fulfillment, satisfaction? How often do you make time for this? Do you need to make more time for it?
- List 3-5 things that you feel are unique about yourself (what makes you stand out?).
- Ask 3 of your closest people, what 3 things they find the most unique about you.
- Is there anything about you that most people are usually surprised to hear? (ie. you work in a library and enjoy peace and quiet, AND you also drum in a heavy metal band on the weekends! – it doesn’t have to be that dramatic, but it gives you an idea)
Especially for Air Moons, such as Aquarius, it can be a great idea to have conversations with people about what you discover, and/or write down your answers to the questions in your journal as you reflect on them. As you talk or write, more may come up and jog your memory. The point is to embrace these unique aspects of yourself (the ones that bring you inner happiness & joy) and release any shame, guilt or judgement around what makes you unique. You were born to stand out in your own special way – and it simultaneously is your greatest gift to the world.
And as always, after your self reflection, you are invited to do a releasing practice, such as Fire Ceremony or a Breathe Practice such as Breathe of Fire (if you’re not pregnant) – releasing anything and everything that is not serving your highest good and the highest good of all. If you don’t already have a Releasing Practice, you are welcome to take inspiration from us here.

July 26 – August 12

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?
The Lion’s Gate Portal happens when the Sun is in Leo, and is aligned with the brightest star in the sky (Sirius), the Constellation of Orion and the Earth. It’s a powerful time where high frequency energies can be more easily grounded into Mother Earth, and accessed by all on Earth. The Portal is from July 26th to August 12th, with the most powerful day, being August 8th.
How Are Venus & Chiron Affecting The Portal Energies This Year?
At this time, the Sun will be conjunct (close to) the planet Venus, planet of love, desire, beauty & relationships, and trine (harmoniously connecting with) Chiron, the ‘wounded healer.’ This means that as these powerful energies are showing down on Earth from the Lion’s Gate Portal, they are also being blessed by the planet Venus. And these energies we receive at this time can greatly support the further healing of the Chiron woundings we mentioned above. So it’s a really special Lion’s Gate Portal this year, full of beauty, love, abundance & healing on deep levels.
Click Here to Learn How You Can Best Receive These Powerful Energies...
1. Set time aside (5 mins or more) each of the days throughout the portal (July 26 – August 12, but espeically on August 8th).
2. Intend to connect to your Heart, the center of Mother Earth below & the Divine Lion’s Gate Portal Energies above.
3. Imagine/sense/feel/see/hear the beautiful Lion’s Gate Portal energies coming down from the cosmos, and entering through your Crown Chakra, streaming down to your 3rd Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root and then sending it down further to the centre of Mother Earth – helping ground this high frequency energy into Heart of the Great Mother herself – for all to access, who are not able to access it otherwise. As you move the energy through each Chakra, you further open, activate & cleanse it. And when you continue sending it all the way down to Mother Earth’s centre, you provide Mother Earth more access to these powerful energies as well – and she in turn will distribute them to people, animals, places in the world that most need them right now. It’s such a beautiful practice.
4. Make sure to find time to rest and self care throughout this portal – the energies are very powerful and you process them much better if you make time to rest and self care, stay well hydrated, eat clean and get good sleep.

New Moon in Leo – August 16
23o Leo

The New Moon in Leo is like the Ace of Wands in the Tarot deck – it has an energy of exciting new and creative beginnings: new passions, new creative projects, new reasons to celebrate… With any new venture we step towards, we always need to bring our courage with us. Align with your courage you re-gained this Leo Season, and allow it support you as you step forward into your brighter future. As always the New Moon is a time to self reflect and plant seeds for the next Lunar Cycle (to bloom at the next Full Moon or beyond). What new and exciting creations are you wanting to manifest? This is a powerful New Moon to plant seeds for the future – especially after the potent Lion’s Gate Portal energies.
Read more on the New Moon in Leo + Intentions Setting Prompts...It’s also a powerful time to become more aware of any energy blocks or behaviours connected to Inner Child wounds rooted in the past, that need attention, love & compassion in the present moment. What did you learn from the your deep reflections during the Aquarius Full Moon (regarding your uniqueness and anything that may be blocking you from expressing your true and full Essence)? This New Moon is a powerful time to dig deeper and see if / how these blockages (keeping you from expressing your true and full authentic self) are connected to Inner Child wounds from the past. And the plant new seeds that nurture more of your authentic, unique self in the future. Set time aside to connect with your Inner Child this New Moon in Leo, and listen to what they need from you now (attention, love, compassion, stillness, peace, safety…). And then create intentions that involve action steps to provide your Inner Child with what they are needing on a regular basis. Below are some prompts to get the intention setting juices flowing…
Intention Setting Prompts
- When was the last time I consciously connected with my Inner Child?
- What does my Inner Child have to say today? How does this make me feel?
- How can I better nurture my Inner Child in the the future? What action step(s) do I need to take to provide a safer / more loving / compassionate / nurturing environment for my Inner Child?
- How often feels good to connect with my Inner Child in the future? (to check in)
- What kinds of activities does my Inner Child find fun and exciting?
- How can I create more time and space for these things that nurture my Inner Child?
- When my Inner Child feels safe, secure, valued and nurtured, what kinds of opportunities opened up or what synchronicities have occured? (if you haven’t paid attention to this before, do your best to nurture your Inner Child and then see what opportunities come your way – this can be great incentive to regularly check in and nurture your Inner Child)
Happy New Moon in Leo!

Coming Up Next: Virgo Season – August 23

See Also:
Aries Season 2023 – March 20 – April 20
Taurus Season 2023 – April 20 – May 21
Gemini Season 2023 – May 21 – June 21
Cancer Season 2023 – June 21 – July 22
Pluto Enters Aquarius – March 23

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