Mercury Retrograde – Dec. 2022

Today, December 29, 2022 – Mercury goes retrograde again, until January 18, 2023.
You may hear negative things about Mercury retrograde, but there is actually nothing to panic about.
Instead, all this means is that the planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to go inwards, reflect, and pay attention to your thoughts and the words you tell others, and yourself.
Mercury is connected to communication, technology, travel, intellect and the mind.
When Mercury is ‘Direct’ this can feel more like we are focusing on the outside world, and when it goes ‘Retrograde’ our communication and thoughts can feel more internally focused.
And that’s true key here. It’s not inherently bad, and at the same time it can also shake things up (in areas of communication, travel, thoughts) to help us pay more attention / bring more consciousness to the words and thoughts we tell ourselves and others.
If we resist the opportunities to learn, and see them as hinderances (a zoom call gets cut off or a post doesn’t go out or we say some words without really thinking, our bus is late, or our plane is cancelled…), we miss out on the powerful growth available to us, and the Universe will keep reminding us (through similar opportunities) until we get it. (Our experience with Mercury retrograde really depends on how much inner work we need to do, and how well we embrace the lessons).
Not to punish us, but because it’s an area our soul wants to grow, and the Universe is supporting us in that growth by providing us opportunities to go inward, find the lessons and move forward.
So, try to pay attention to what this Mercury retrograde is trying to show you…
Is there better self talk you could be doing?
Can you set up your zoom call 15 minutes earlier just in case there are unexpected challenges?
Take an extra few seconds to think before you respond to someone.
Back up your important files on an external hard drive.
And set aside time to go within, and listen for the supportive messages that this retrograde is here to share with you.
Lots of Love