Mercury Retrograde – Fall 2022

It’s Mercury Retrograde – again
September 9th – October 2nd.
Many people hear about Mercury Retrograde & a feeling of dread or fear can creep in
But Mercury Retrograde doesn’t have to show up negatively
What’s really happening when any planet goes retrograde is that instead of the planet’s energy being expressed more outwardly (or you being more aware of it in your external environment), the energy is showing up more internally (more personally).
It’s not inherently good or bad.
It’s just a different expression of the energy. A different way to work with that planet’s energy, for your highest personal growth, healing & transformation.
So, if you have experienced Mercury Retrograde as being challenging in the past, instead of dreading it when it comes around (which is usually 3-4 times a year) pay attention to its lessons and what it’s trying to teach you about your thoughts, communication & (because it’s in Libra right now) your relationships with self & others.
What is the pattern that comes up during Mercury Retrogrades for you? Become aware & conscious of it and then find the teaching in it.
There is likely something you are needing to let go of, surrender or release around the way you think or communicate, the thoughts or beliefs that you hold about yourself or others you are in relationship with (partners, friends, family, co-workers…)
It’s an opportunity to transform.
Maybe this Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to align with more of your authentic self & express that from the inside out…
When you see it as an opportunity for beneficial growth (rather than a challenge or punishment of some kind) the lessons can be learned & released faster, & the challenges can subside after a time.
In other words – it can become less challenging & more beneficial
So, what is this Mercury Retrograde asking you to shift right now?
This also depends on where Libra is in your natal chart (what house it is in) as well as the sign & house your natal chart Mercury is in, and any important aspects to it.
If you would like to dive into a personal interpretation of what this Mercury Retrograde can mean for you – message us to book a session