Shamanic Energy Tools: Mesa & Feather

Charging some of our Shamanic Energy Medicine tools in the powerful solar rays
This is my personal Mesa. Each Mesa consists of a ‘mestana’ (sacred alter cloth) and 13 medicine stones we have used in our own personal transformation journey, and infused with powerful medicine
These medicine stones, also called Kuyas, and this Mesa have been initiated and blessed by the Lineage of Q’ero Shamans from Peru.
And we use them in each and every Shamanic Energy Medicine session we offer our clients.
A client picks one of our 13 medicine stones to assist with the removal and release of the heavy energy they are ready to release during the session.
Every time a medicine stone / Kuya is used in a session, it becomes infused with even more medicine – getting stronger with every use
Our Mesas are our personal alters. Instead of having an alter in a static, indoor place, the Q’ero Shamans have these personal alters they take with them, wherever they go.
Our Mesas are an extension of ourselves, and we feed them regularly with Spirit Water, our breath, our love & intentions, sunlight and moonlight, and by opening them up in special places outside in Nature
We also use feathers to cut energetic cords that perpetuate unhealthy attachments between our clients and others.
Because everything carries an energetic frequency, we recognize that these are ‘living tools’ which we are in relationship with – so we use them with respect, gratitude and always feed and charge them with natural elements and our intentions
It is an honour to share more of our sacred Medicine Tools with you
All we do, we do with love – and for the highest good of All
If you would like to learn more or are ready to experience a session, message us for more info.
So much love to All