Shifting Your Perspective

Dear soul, You are not what happened to you, you do not have to be a result of the trauma, hurt and pain you have gone through.
What happened to you was never meant to imprison you, it was meant to strengthen you, to teach you valuable and important lessons.
What you went through was meant to strengthen you, to make you more compassionate and emphatic. And to teach you how to see others from a different perspective and with compassion and non-judgment.
Beautiful soul, you were never meant to carry the mountains with you, you were only meant to climb them and learn from the journey. It wasn’t meant to be filling your backpack so heavily that it would hold you back from walking forward in your life.
I know how much pain can change you and create suffering and trauma. I have been there, I also carried the mountains and became a prisoner of my own mind and within my own body. I know the consequences of trauma and hurt, but I also know that in that state I was not living and it was very bad for my health.
You don’t have to stay in that place. You can shift this and create a better life for yourself. I used to be a result of what happened to me, how I was raised or how society programmed me to be. I wasn’t myself at all. I felt lost and very much alone. I gave away my power and didn’t understand it myself.
Beautiful soul, you are not alone. You do not have to be a prisoner of your thoughts, trauma, emotions, family curses, emotions or body. There are ways to shift this, shift your energy from pain and suffering into healing and creating.
There are ways to clear out old, stagnant energies from pain, trauma and past lives. There are ways to become whole again within your soul and heal your life.
This is what we work with (and so much more), this is what we are trained in and can assist you with. We are here to guide and support you on your healing journey. And we are here to tell you that even if things feel hopeless and dark, there’s a light in the end of the tunnel, a new path waiting for you on the other side of the tunnel. And we are here to guide you through it if you want to change your life and find your way back to a happier and healthier you.