The Importance of Letting Go

Do you sometimes hate yourself because of the things that happened to you in the past or because of what others did to you? Do you blame yourself for the past and mistakes you might have done? It is something most of us do sometimes, but it is not good for your overall well-being.
Maybe you blame yourself for something that happened in the past that you in a way punish yourself for by keeping the suffering going, by thinking about the situation over and over and over again. But it is not healing for you, it is only causing you more pain and suffering. And there’s no learning, growth, healing and transformation in that.
Letting go can be very hard sometimes, but it can be the most important and healing step you can take for yourself. Letting go of people, situations, relationships, homes and past events, can be very liberating and healing, if all it brings you is pain.
Learn the lesson you were meant to learn from the situation and let go, continue moving forward with your life and stop touching the same wound over and over, because it won’t heal unless you stop touching it.
Let go and accept that the past is gone and it already happened. Don’t let it define your life, your choices, your happiness and how you look at yourself and feel within. Don’t let the past become your future, cause you were not meant to let it take over your entire life and destroy it.
Some situations can be so traumatic and horrible that it takes a long time to heal and move past it, some even takes years. That’s okay, as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, each day focusing on healing and moving forward.
Some traumatic experiences leave deep wounds and imprints in your energy field and needs to be healed, cleared and removed, which is a part of the Energy Medicine practice we do for our clients.
Sometimes we hate ourselves for what we did wrong and sometimes because of something horrible someone else did to us. Either way, do not give it power anymore to rule your life. You are not what happened to you. You are not your past. You can create your life how you chose to and you have the power to heal, transform and become the person you want to be.
No matter how hard it is, forgive yourself and the other person for what happened in the past. Not for them or for what happened, but for your own inner peace and healing, so you can free yourself of the shackles and bondage of pain and misery it holds you in. Forgive and let go.
Maybe the lesson of that horrible situation is to teach you how to let go? Maybe that’s what you are meant to learn from it?
Much love to everyone