You Deserve Your Love

Dear One,
Do you know that you have a best friend within yourself. You are your own best friend. Your soul is never leaving. Still many of you keep abandoning yourself in situations in life. You abandon yourself by not setting healthy boundaries, or by letting someone abuse you or take advantage of you. Or, let your own dreams be put last and never prioritizing yourself. Or by being too hard on yourself instead of giving yourself love and compassion.
There are many ways to abandon yourself. And there are many ways to feel abandoned as well. It is a feeling many people experience and we want you to know it’s okay to feel that way, but also to tell you that this can be healed and changed.
There’s no need for you to continue abandoning yourself, or putting yourself last or so low that you let everyone around you eat off of you while you just suffer through it and never get anything in return. Life is about balance. And giving and giving without ever receiving isn’t balance either. Even when you’re giving from the best and most loving heart. You must remember to also give to yourself and let yourself receive too.
You are important. You are your own best friend. You matter. You are valuable. And you are never alone. Even when you feel alone, know that you are not. Go within and let your soul guide you. And know that your guides are always with you, by your side, all the time.
Be kind to yourself and let yourself be treated with love, compassion and respect. You deserve to be loved. And loving yourself is important too, powerful even.
You beautiful soul of light and love. Be kind to yourself and let yourself heal from the past, so you can create a beautiful and wonderful future and life for yourself today. You have the tools within you.
You might not be able to change other peoples actions. But you can change how you react or handle things. You can change how you feel and think. And how you treat yourself.
Do not abandon yourself, be your own best friend and give yourself the same love you give to the people you love the most in your life.
Honor yourself and speak your truth. Be who you are meant to be. Your best self. Your most loving, bright and magnificent self. Be true. Be real. And be amazing! We believe in you.