Full Moon in Aquarius 2022

Tomorrow is the Full Moon in Aquarius.
Aquarius can be a confusing sign at first – it’s symbol is the ‘water bearer’ (so the first element that may come to mind is ‘water’) but it’s element is actually air.
Air rules the mind, the thoughts, the stories we tell ourselves, logic and communication.
Aquarius itself is a very rebellious sign. Very unique, and even ‘quirky’ at times.
It’s the sign of the Humanitarian, while simultaneously holding an energy that strongly desires to break and shake up old systems and structures that no longer serve the greater good. Which is where the ‘rebellious’ streak comes in.
Having the Sun (self expression) in Leo and the Moon (inner emotions) in Aquarius, sheds light on the shadow sides of each of these signs so that we can shed them and align with the higher energies of both.
Shadow sides of Leo to release can be: drama, self centredness, trying to control others / power over others, not leading from the heart, allowing your passions / fire to destroy rather than support and create.
Shadow sides of Aquarius to release can be: fear of stepping into your power and being seen for who you really are, sacrificing yourself for the sake of what you think is best for the group, being a ‘rebel’ for the sake of defiance rather than for the greater good, being too much in the mind & logic and not enough in the heart.
Feel into these energies to see what needs releasing and set intentions to release what you no longer wish to align with, so you can welcome in the higher energies.
Allow yourself to become more and more aware of the energies you embrace, witch each New and Full Moon so you can consciously choose the energies you align with and embody.
More to come tomorrow 🙂
Lots of Love!