Full Moon In Cancer 2023

Tomorrow is the Full moon in Cancer
This is a beautiful moon to step back, slow down from all the busy-ness & fast paced energies of the holidays &, take time to rest & nourish ourselves.
It’s a time that really encourages us to connect to our heart & intuition.
As the Sun is in the earth sign of Capricorn, the Moon is in the Water sign of Cancer.
The Sun season of Capricorn can be very fast paced & busy with lots of ‘doing’, accomplishing & setting powerful goals to reach new heights!
Which is great
And…amongst this energy, we have this beautiful time of the Full Moon in Cancer to remind us to slow down, self care, self nourish, create safety & security for healing to take place, and connect back inwards to our heart & intuition for the answers we are seeking (rather than looking outside of ourselves).
This time can feel like a beautiful long exhale
This is a powerful time to connect to the water element & allow its healing properties to support us in releasing more of what we are releasing (old habits, patterns, beliefs, stories, challenges from 2022 & further back), so we can create space for more of what we want to welcome in 2023 & beyond.
Taking healing baths with salts & oils can be so rejuvenating, as well as mindful showers (really feeling & sensing the waters washing away any heaviness, old patterns/stories/roles/beliefs we may be carrying).
If you are in a warmer climate, going outside & being in sea, ocean, lake or river water can be a wonderful way to connect with this energy & nourish yourself.
If you’re not close to a body of water you can instead look at images of the water, listen to sounds of the water, or sit by a water fountain.
Or mediate & visualize yourself by the ocean. When the tide gently goes out you release all that you need to release, back to Mother Earth. When the tide comes gently in, you are filled up & rejuvenated with mother earth’s magical, healing waters of love, compassion (& whatever energy you are needing to fill up on)
Being in this relaxed state is so powerful in helping us connect back with our hearts & intuition.
Wishing you a beautiful, healing & nourishing Full Moon