Full Moon in Scorpio & Lunar Eclipse 2023
May 5

This Full Moon in Scorpio is also a Lunar Eclipse – very powerful energy, full of huge potential for deep transformations!
As with any Full Moon, the Sun is in one sign (Taurus in this case) and the Moon is in the opposite sign (Scorpio in this case). This opposite placements of Sun and Moon is what creates the Full Moon. Depending on what signs the Sun and Moon are in, the Full Moon will have different energy expressions and we will in turn feel different energies come up to the surface of our consciousness with every Full Moon.
This Full Moon in Scorpio brings us more in touch with our deeper emotions, ones that we may have kept more hidden in the shadows of the deeper places of our psyches until now. But the Sun’s light illuminates these inner shadows for us on this day, and the days leading up to and away from the Full Moon. It’s most powerful to do any Full Moon work/ceremonies/celebrations/releases (however you work with the Full Moon) the night/day of the Full Moon, or one day before or one day after. But of course, follow your intuition on this and you will know when is best for you.
Scorpio Full Moons can be very intense because Scorpio is a very intense, deep and transformative sign, and the Moon is connected to our inner world and emotions. So we may be feeling emotions that are uncomfortable, or that we haven’t felt in awhile (or at all before) because we suppressed or hid them from our own selves, our own consciousness because they felt too intense and we (and others around us) may not have had the tools to deal with them at the time. But things are different now. We are ready to journey deeper into our psyches, to shed light on our shadow parts and our discarded aspects. Not to ‘defeat’ or battle with anything, but to bring all parts of ourselves back into wholeness. To see these hidden aspects of ourselves by shining our light on them, and holding them in unconditional love. To forgive these aspects, to hold them in compassion, understanding & divine grace – bringing them back into wholeness with ourselves, so we can call back more of our energy to us and further step into our full power.
Scorpio is a sign connected with our greatest pains and traumas, as well as our greatest power. These may seem like opposites, but it’s through the alchemizing and transforming of our greatest pains, into our greatest soul growth, that we reclaim more of our True Power. Power with (all parts of ourselves). We did not come here to be perfect. We came here to experience life, learn, grow & expand. In order to do this, sometimes we map out certain things in our lives (before we incarnate here) so that we can experience certain emotions & frequencies, so that we can then deeply feel and know through experience, how powerful we truly are, by overcoming those painful experiences/emotions/thoughts/beliefs/patterns/stories. We are so much more powerful than we’ve been told. And this is a path to that deep knowing.
The Lunar Eclipse adds even more powerful and deeply transformative energies to this Full Moon. Lunar Eclipses can only happen on Full Moons, and when the Earth moves between the Moon & Sun (so the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon). Eclipses bring the energy of very rapid transformations. Whatever the intentions you set back during Aries seasons (both or either of the New Moons in Aries 2023), this Lunar Eclipse has the potential to fast track you to that desired life, by going deep and shining light and awareness on the subconscious blocks/limiting beliefs/old stories/unsupportive patterns that may be coming between you and your dreams / your highest future. This takes courage to be open and willing to see these shadow parts of ourselves that have contributed to our past & current challenges – but it’s also extremely liberating when we move out of victim mentality and embrace these shadow aspects of self in unconditional love. From this place, we can truly learn from our past and create a more empowering future. When you truly realize that you are responsible for you life, and no one else’s life – you unlock the power to change your future. It doesn’t mean that painful, challenging or traumatic events in the past were your fault (these things are not your fault, beautiful soul). What it means is that now you have the awareness of how powerful you actually are, you can control your own destiny. The more awareness you have, the more self responsibility you have. This Full Moon & Eclipse is a powerful time to face our challenging past, and forgive – others, but mostly ourselves. We couldn’t have done differently in those situations because we didn’t have the awareness, tools, or capacity to do so back then. But we do now. And we are living in the Now. Not the past. Forgive your past self for forgetting how beautiful, unique & powerful you truly are. And you open up your energy to receive deep healing and insights that can support your highest future. By forgiving, and holding all parts of yourself (especially the hidden shadow aspects) in unconditional love, you open up your energy to all the beauty, abundance & joy all around you, all the time. It’s always there, but we sometimes miss it because of our unconscious programming/patterns/beliefs/stories. This is what this Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse can bring you – more room in your energy field for a life abundant in joy, happiness, peace, love, pleasure, wealth, health & happiness. But we need to be willing to do the work to clear our energy.
Fire Ceremony Release Practice
Fire Ceremony is a beautiful & powerful practice that supports us in releasing the heavy energies/stories/patterns/beliefs that no longer serve us. The Q’ero Shamans of Peru (the Lineage of Shamans we are initiated into) do Fire Ceremony (personally & as a group) every Full Moon to keep their energy and the community’s energy, and Mother Earth’s energy clean, clear & aligned with higher frequencies.
If you don’t have your own existing practice of doing Fire Ceremony, you can learn how to do a modern version of this Fire Ceremony here, to clear your own energy. This is an altered version of the traditional way the Q’ero Shamans do Fire Ceremony, but it has the same effect as long as you hold strong intentions.
So much love to you!
If you would like to do a peaceful grounding meditation before the above Fire Ceremony (to get your energy in a peaceful and aligned state before your practice), you are invited to sign up and receive our Free Fight or Flight Re-Set Meditation below. Offered in Love, for Your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All. By signing up, you also receive our astrology updates in your inbox, every 2 weeks, so you don’t have to go looking for upcoming astrological energies.
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See Also:
Taurus Season 2023 -April 20 – May 21
New Moon in Taurus – May 19
Pluto Enters Aquarius – 2023