New Moon in Taurus 2023
may 19

This New Moon in Taurus brings us a calmer, more tranquil and peaceful energy after the intense Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. It provides a needed ‘pause’ so we can feel safe enough to sit in stillness and receive the healing, insights & messages that are coming to us during this New Moon. From this place of stillness and inner peace, we can more clearly hear & acknowledge our intuitive heart messages, and from this place, create powerful New Moon intentions in this next Lunar cycle of our Soul’s evolution.
If we are having challenges grounding our energy after the intense Scorpio Full Moon & Eclipse, it’s even more important that we make the grounding and centering of our energy a priority during this New Moon in Taurus. What brings you back to your body? What makes you feel more present? As the Moon is in Taurus, stimulation of any/all of the 5 physical senses will be extra supportive at this time: taste, touch, smell, sight & sound. Perhaps certain music or frequencies really bring you back into your body, or sound bath or healing. Or maybe being in the garden or outside in the fresh air. Or maybe cooking nutritious and delicious foods to eat (or just eating itself). Or maybe moving your body in gentle, yet supportive movements like ecstatic (or any) dance, yoga, tai chi or chi gong or getting a massage to release tension in the body. Or maybe creating visual art or admiring art in a gallery or on the street or just the simple, yet profound beauty all around in nature. What most speaks to you? What would bring you back to the present moment in the most fun & joyous way? What brings you into such a safe & secure state, that you feel peace permeate your entire being? Make time to do this on and around this New Moon, so you can open up your energy and unlock more of your inherent intuition & inner guidance.
When you feel that sensation of inner peace, you are now more open to receive higher guidance, by reflecting on the following Intention Setting Prompts below:
Intention Setting Prompts
1. Where are the areas in my life that I am overly stubborn, inflexible and/or stagnant?
It is supportive to have my own convictions, and at the same time be open to build upon or change old beliefs/behaviours/thoughts/ways of being, that I now recognize no longer serve my highest good &/or the highest good of all. It is healthy to grow. And growth requires change.
2. Where do I need to make changes, both within myself and in my close relationships?
What habits, stories, beliefs, thoughts, communication, and/or actions do I need to change in order to welcome in more stillness, peace, joy & creativity into my life on a regular basis?
3. When do I notice myself feeling out of balance, irritated, impatient or ‘off?’
What circumstances, environments, people or situations seem to consistently bring me out of my centered state of peace? These are nothing to judge, but instead supportive arrows pointing to where I can grow exponentially.
4. When I feel out of balance or ‘off’, what are the ways I self soothe and regulate my nervous system?
Are they healthy ways to self soothe (meditation, physical movement, being in nature, sound healing / listening to music, breathe work, doing art, talking to a loved one, etc), or unhealthy ways (emotional eating and/or drinking, cigarettes, over spending/online shopping, escape into TV, video games, drugs, meaningless sex, or distract self on social media/news, etc)?
5. If I am aware that I am using unhealthy methods to self regulate/ self soothe, than what can I start replacing those habits with? I know how important inner peace & stillness is to my physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. And I commit to changing any unhealthy self regulating habits, into healthier ones over time. I use the persistent & committed energies of Taurus to support me in creating these healthier habits now.
These reflections can be as deep as you like. The deeper you go, the more intense you may begin to feel about certain answers that are coming to you (or not, it depends on you and where you are at). They are not meant to encourage self judgement or criticism, but instead show the areas that can be shifted in our lives to create better balance and energy flow. Use the answers you receive from these reflections, to then write out powerful intentions for this New Moon, from a place of deep awareness, humility, self love & optimism for your highest future.
So much love!

See Also:
Taurus Season 2023 -April 20 – May 21
Full Moon in Scorpio & Lunar Eclipse – May 5
Pluto Enters Aquarius – 2023

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