Gemini Season 2023
May 21 – June 21

Welcome to Curious and Inquisitive Gemini Season!
Gemini is an Air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, planet of communication (speaking, writing, language, active listening), learning/knowledge & teaching. This sign vibrates to the mantra: I Express. It’s the third sign in the Western Zodiac, after grounded Taurus. Many people misunderstand the meaning of the Gemini symbol, the Twins, taking it to mean that people with Gemini energy can be two sided, or two faced or have multiple personalities. The Twins actually represent the multiple points of view that allows Gemini to see and understand the world from different perspectives. For example, in order to have balanced communication, we need someone expressing and someone actively listening & witnessing the expressing (and when appropriate, providing feedback). Without 2 perspectives (or more), we only see the world from our own perspective and growth and learning can be a lot slower. This ability to look at something from multiple different perspectives, allows us to grow and learn so much more than if we stayed narrowed to only one perspective. Try to see a situation from a different point of view this Gemini Season, and see how much you can learn.
Divine Expressions of Gemini
The Divine Expressions of Gemini can manifest as staying open and curious, being clear and confident in our writing, speaking, signing & self expression, as well as in our active listening and holding space for others when they are communicating to us. This allows for rapid learning, and an openness to new and different ideas, concepts & perspectives. This also allows for balanced communication: talking as much as we listen. Another important Divine Expression of Gemini is speaking from the Heart, rather than speaking just to be heard or for validation to be perceived as ‘right’ or ‘good.’ When Gemini is in it’s Divine energy, it doesn’t matter if we agree with someone’s perspective or not, we listen without judgement to try to understand their point of view. It doesn’t mean we need to agree, because it’s about having the conversation itself, rather than coming to an agreed upon conclusion. And when we speak/communicate from our hearts, those listening can better receive our point of view in their hearts, because we are not using judgemental language, and so there is less reason others feel a need to become defensive. Of course, not everyone has the awareness to communicate what’s truly in their hearts, or to listen with an open heart, and that’s ok. Because of that, they actually present us with a very different perspective than our own – which is really the whole point anyways. This is where it can be supportive to align with the innocent and curious energy of Gemini: staying curious about a differing perspective rather than judgemental, goes a very, very long way. Asking questions to learn more, and to challenge someone else’s thoughts & perspectives, can really make the conversation richer and expand more than one mind in the process. When we don’t see questions as an ‘attack’ on our intelligence, we can open up to freer conversations and more collaboration that leads to more solid ideas and concepts that can benefit all. Another Divine expression of Gemini is laughter. Laughter brightens up our energy so fast and so easily. Smiling actually is a way to Re-Set our Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn Response. Making others smile or laugh, and having others do the same for us is more than just having fun – it’s deeply healing too 🙂
Distorted Expressions of Gemini
The Distorted Expressions of Gemini can show up as dominating conversations: taking up most of the time and space talking about our feelings or topics we want to talk about, and not leaving an equal amount of space for others to share their feelings or topics they want to talk about. Or the other way around: we allow others to dominate the conversation repeatedly, and never speak up and express our needs, desires, feelings or interests. Gossip (talking negatively about others behind their backs, and spreading rumors) is another low expression of Gemini which perpetuates a lot of pain for people on both sides. Those being gossiped about are receiving a lot of heavy energy from others, and those doing the gossiping are continuously surrounding themselves in, and sending out heavy energy (in an attempt to feel less bad about themselves). No one wins here. People who get caught up in gossip and perpetuate it, are all operating on the same low vibration. We can’t change what others believe about us, but we can choose what we believe (and know) about ourselves, and get to the truth about rumors being spread about others. In other words, we can’t control if others want to operate at lower vibrations, but we can control what vibration/energy we choose to operate at. Another distorted expression is having scattered, unfocused/ungrounded thoughts. If we have a lot of Gemini energy (and because Gemini is so curiously interested in many different things) it’s very important to prioritize grounding practices. If we do not, this can scatter the mind and the communication, jumping from one topic to another, without fully connecting the dots or fully hearing what others are saying. Another Distorted aspect is getting caught up in who’s perspective is ‘right’ and who’s is ‘wrong’ (a very ‘cut and dry’, dualistic way to live). In actuality, there is no clear ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, there are simply ‘different perspectives.’ Because Gemini is so connected with thoughts and the mind, we can also become overly preoccupied in our thoughts, and place much more emphasis in the intellectual/mental realm and forget to come back to the ‘here and now’ and our physical bodies and physical life. It’s important to keep a balance between thoughts, body & emotions.
Balancing Gemini Energy
Ways to balance distorted Gemini energy are to have regular grounding practices to slow the mind and the thoughts so we can bring focus back. It doesn’t serve anyone to have our thoughts constantly scattered, and to not be able to actively listen to others. This is a great opportunity to bring in the beautiful, nourishing grounding practices we learnt during Taurus Season. Coming back to our 5 physical senses (taste, touch, smell, sight & sound), or breathing techniques, or being in nature, or gentle body movements like dance, yoga, tai chi, walks, etc. What helps you ground? When you notice your thoughts drifting and multiplying before you can get the first point you were wanting to make, try to first ground yourself with a practice that feels supportive. Then come back to your task, or finish your communication or thought. It might be as simple as taking 3 deep breathes, or carrying a grounding palm crystal in your pocket (like smokey quartz or onyx or obsidian) and holding it in your hand for a few moments. What grounding practice, brings you back to a focused state?
To bring more balance to very dualistic (‘right’ or ‘wrong’ thinking) Gemini energy, aligning with Gemini’s curios nature is a great way to bring balance here. As with all astrological signs, there are always opposites. Gemini’s opposite sign is Sagittarius. Sagittarius in it’s Divine Expression is very optimistic, joy filled, adventurous, wise & fun energy. In it’s Distorted Expression, Sagittarius can really bring out rigid and judgemental energy. So it’s again important to bring back the light hearted, curious Gemini energy when we start seeing the world in a very ‘black and white’ perspective. On the other hand, when Gemini has been too concerned with learning from reading & writing only, and has not developed wisdom by going out and ‘experiencing’ life, that’s where we can bring in more Divine Sagittarius energy to balance that out. Gemini can get caught up in the mental realms and think it understands something by just reading/studying about it, when actually, learning by doing/practicing/experiencing something is very important as well. We learn things that we could never learn from a book or a course or video. Understanding something intellectually is great, but understanding something intellectually plus experiencing it in real life is how we ground the learning into real life experiences. And this is where wisdom blooms from.
Another wonderful way to incorporate Divine Gemini energy is to laugh and smile. Especially when we have been feeling very serious or stressed for a long time, or weighed down by responsibilities or heavy energies and emotions. Laughter holds an energy light as air, and is so healing for us. It sends signals to the brain that we are safe and happy, so we can relax. Studies show that laughter increases oxygen intake, stimulating your heart, lungs and muscles which up the endorphins that are released by the brain. If we incorporate laughter more often into our lives, long term, it can reduce immune system issues, relieve physical pain and improve our overall mood. Laughter may not be the best medicine in every situation, but when in appropriate situations, it’s a powerful medicine indeed.
And last but not least, becoming more aware of the thoughts and words we tell ourselves and others, with each day is so powerful. Practicing becoming the ‘witness’ to our thoughts and words is the beginning of self mastery and better life choices. The words we tell others, and the words we say about others, are all important. So let’s make sure to do our best to speak honestly about one another. We may not always get along (so may not always have positive or supportive things to say about others), but we also don’t need to tear them down. If someone really upsets you when you talk to them, are around them physically or even think about them, they are negatively charging you. This is ok. It’s an opportunity to practice witnessing your thoughts and words you express about this person/these people. And to practice changing the energy you hold this person in, from heavy and negative, to neutral and compassionate – and hopefully one day, to forgiving and loving. Perhaps most importantly though, it’s the words and thoughts we tell ourselves that make the biggest differences. If we tell ourselves negative thoughts/words, we perpetually are held down in heavy energy and everything we do is from a lower vibration. This is nothing to judge, but it’s important to become aware of this, so we can change it. What are the words you tell yourself on a regular basis? Are they mostly kind and supportive? Or harsh, critical & full of judgement? Or somewhere in between? Be honest with yourself, so you can make supportive choices moving forward. It doesn’t serve you to keep the truth from yourself.
Gemini Crystals
You are invited to work with whichever crystals you intuitively feel called to work with (first and foremost, trust your own intuition!). And, here are also some suggested crystals you can work with over this Gemini Season (very briefly described):
Clear Quartz – amplification, expansion, growth, clears away negative energy
Emerald – opening the heart, give & receive love, communicate (express & listen) with an open heart
Pearl – purity, sincerity, honesty, integrity, focus, tranquility, wisdom, truth, experience, understanding
Smokey Quartz – grounding, clarity of thought, focus, cleanse negative energy, calming, safety
Aquamarine – clarity of thought & communication, connection to inner truth, compassionate expression
Blue Chalcedony – slowing down, present moment, balance of mind, body & emotions, calms adrenals
Selenite – cleansing negative energy, fluidity, raising vibration, clarity, seeing the beauty in how things are

Full Moon in Sagittarius – June 3
13o Sagittarius

When we are in the Sun Season of Gemini, then the Full Moon is always in Sagittarius (the opposite sign of Gemini). In order for a Full Moon to occur, the Sun & Moon need to be exactly opposite of each other, so the Sun can illuminate the Moon. Sagittarius is a fire sign, so is full of excitement, passion & adventure! It’s energy loves to learn by ‘doing’, exploring and experiencing life, rather than just reading about life. This Full Moon may inspire us to plan a trip to an exciting destination, or inspire us to experience a local but new place we’ve never been before. Maybe this is a fun night our with friends, or an exciting new date activity/spot we haven’t tried before, or a new place to take the family to create fond memories together. What is calling to you? What is lighting you up right now? What is inspiring you?
Sagittarius can be a lot of fun, and it does have a more serious side too. During this Full Moon we may find ourselves inspired to contemplate the deeper meaning of life (Sagittarius is the the sign of the wise philosopher after all!). Or perhaps we are feeling inspired to step into that role of teacher and guide that we’ve been feeling more and more pulled towards (just be careful not to take on the role of ‘guru’, we’re not creating a cult here, lol). The great thing that Sagittarius reminds us, is that even if we don’t have the ‘text book knowledge’ of a topic, we all have life experiences that have taught us how to navigate this world. There is great wisdom in this. There are teaching points in this. When we teach and guide from a place of really have been there, having experienced something so deeply and profoundly – that is powerful and can be life changing for others (when done in a supportive and responsible way).
As with any Full Moon, it’s also a time where emotions can become more heightened and need releasing. So make sure to prioritize time and space for this. And if this release of emotions happens in situations that don’t seem ideal, that’s totally ok. Do your best to release judgement around this, and to learn from it. Full Moons are also times to celebrate and potentially harvest the seeds of intention we set back in the previous New Moon. You can look back at your Taurus New Moon Intentions and reflect on what has changed in your life since, what has manifested, what are you still nurturing….
And as always, especially with a fire Moon such as Sagittarius, you are invited to do a releasing practice, such as Fire Ceremony – releasing anything and everything that is not serving your highest good and the highest good of all. If you don’t already have a Fire Ceremony practice, you are welcome to take inspiration from us here.
Joyful Full Moon Blessings to All!

New Moon in Gemini – June 17
26o Sagittarius

This New Moon in Gemini is all about staying curious & open minded, and becoming more aware and intentional of the words we tell ourselves and others. As with any New Moon, it’s the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and therefore a powerful time to create seeds of intentions to nurture until the Full Moon, and beyond.
The Moon in Gemini can be less emotional than other moons and more analytical because it’s an air sign. This can be a blessing after the intense Aries New Moons and eclipses we’ve had the last few months. This Moon in Gemini can therefore help us look at things (life, goals, projects, careers, relationships…whatever you’re focus is) from new and different perspectives. Then, analyze these things from more of an emotional distance, so we can really open up to a new path that may serve us better than the one we are currently on. Emotions and feelings are important, but when we get too caught up in heavy emotions for a long time, it can be helpful to have an air energy, such as Gemini come along and lighten things up, clear the path with some strong wind, so we can see a better path that may have been there all along.
This Moon is also very connected to communication. We may find ourselves having new conversations with friends and loved ones, that really expand our minds, our perceptions of how we thought our lives were and where we want to be. These conversations may be a way to look at things from different perspectives, without as much judgement as we may have held before, creating greater awareness and clarity for our path ahead. These communications may also support us in becoming more aware of our deeper emotions, as well as processing our true feelings around things. When we intentionally work on releasing judgement on others (particular people or the larger world collective), we simultaneously release judgement we’ve been holding towards ourselves. When this judgement is released, it’s safer to be more honest with ourselves about how we really feel about certain people, places, situations or our life in general. Releasing judgement can bring much more clarity to our deeper feelings and to our life directions.
Releasing Judgement Practice
To support you in releasing more judgement so you can create clearer New Moon Intentions, we invite you to listen too our Free Re-Set Meditation you received when you signed up to receive our emails. If you haven’t already signed up, you can do so here. Our Free Re-Set Meditation has many benefits and can be used for many purposes. Or you can use your favourite breathwork practice. We suggest doing this meditation / breathwork practice with the intention of releasing a specific judgement in mind (or if you have multiple that you are aware of, you can work with multiple). If you aren’t aware of any judgements you are holding, that’s ok too, just hold the intention that you are releasing any judgements that no longer serve you to carry. As you exhale, see/sense/feel/imagine the heavy energy of the specific judgement you have been carrying, leave your body and energy field. As you inhale, see/sense/feel/imagine beautiful healing energy entering your body & energy field. Repeat this as many times as you need, until you feel energetically or emotionally lighter than before. From this space, you are invited to contemplate the following questions to support your New Moon Intentions…
Intention Setting Prompts
- What area/aspect of my life can I bring more curiosity to?
- Where have I felt stuck, stagnant or too serious in my life, & how can I bring more levity to this area?
- What makes me laugh, and where/how/when do I need to bring more laughter into my life?
- What is something I have always been interested to learn more about, but haven’t yet?
- How do I feel when someone has an opposing view point from me? Is it possible for me to release some judgements around this particular viewpoint in future?
- What important conversations have I been wanting to have with a loved one / loved ones, but haven’t yet? Why is that? What can I do to initiate this conversation in a clear & compassionate way?
- What are the thoughts /words I tell myself? Are they supportive? Are they critical and full of judgement? Are they a mix of both? If so, what words would I rather tell myself?
After all this serious and focused Intention Setting, don’t forget to smile and find something to laugh about, or someone to laugh with! Remember that life doesn’t need to be so serious all the time 🙂
Happy New Moon in Gemini Intention Setting!

Coming Up Next: Cancer Season – June 21

See Also:
Aries Season 2023 – March 20 – April 20
Taurus Season 2023 – April 20 – May 21
Pluto Enters Aquarius – March 23
Saturn Enters Pisces – March 7

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