Making Conscious Choices

On a beautiful and warm day this summer, I was sitting by the sea watching my family bathing, jumping into the ocean, laughing and having so much fun. I was feeling so incredibly blessed and filled with joy and love. The day had been really hot so the water was nice and warm. They were having such a good time, actually everyone around us seemed to have a great time. There were lots of people there, swimming, enjoying the sunset and hanging out together. It was such a good energy, and people seemed to leave their problems behind and just enjoy the sea.
As I sat there I used all my senses and became present and just really took in all the beauty, joy, laughter and wonderful things. The ocean smelled so salty and good, I love the ocean. It was becoming more and more windy and the wind brought with it all the sweet smells from the sea, the rocks, the beach…
I looked around me and the flowers were dancing in the wind, I closed my eyes and I just listened. The wind playing with the plants and grass, circling around the trees, pushing the waves to grow bigger and stronger, hitting the rocks one wave at the time. The clouds were moving fast and I was looking at the most beautiful sunset with golden colors.
As I sat there taking in all the beauty around me I started thinking about how blessed we all are here on this green, wonderful Mother Earth and how great this world could be if everyone lived in peace, harmony and love. If every living being could just live side by side in harmony. Never hurting or killing, never hating or fearing, never being cruel. Simply just living in love, compassion, freedom, respect and peace. We have that possibility. It’s there and nobody have to hate or hurt anyone, not a single living being. So why do it?
I was visualizing a world where every living being lived side by side in peace, cooperation, showing each other respect and love, having compassion and understanding. Being there for each other and helping out in every situation. Just standing together, United, in oneness, all souls, different bodies and unique individuals, but still all souls of light – living together in harmony.
It made me smile. It gave me hope for a better future than the world we live in today. And I thought of the words: “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Every single one of us are responsible for our own lives, actions, behavior and happiness. But we are also responsible for what we send out into the world. How we treat others, people, animals, plants, etc. We are all responsible in some way, either we can create big changes, by being conscious of our actions, how we impact the environment and how we treat all living beings. Or we can choose to be ignorant and continue polluting, wasting food and resources, treating animals and living beings badly, being ignorant to everything that’s going on and have the attitude that “I won’t make a difference anyways, so why bother” or “This is how we’ve been doing it for years, so that’s just how it is”. If everyone made small steps and started changing, started being aware and conscious, the world would change and we could save our planet and the animals who are at risk of becoming extinct.
The waves that one single drop in the water creates can be very powerful and huge.
I’m not saying everyone should change their whole life over night. But bit by bit, step by step, slowly making positive and conscious choices in the right direction, that would be a great start.
We can all make a difference, and by believing in a better future, where Mother Earth is thriving and blossoming, all living beings are living together in peace, harmony and love – we can create change. Maybe the first step is to believe, have hope and visualize it, then create actions step by step.