New Moons in Aries 2023 & Solar Eclipse
Two New Moons in Aries this year!
This Season brings with it not one, but two New Moons in Aries! And the second one is supercharged with an added Solar Eclipse! This is POWERFUL energy! This is an amazing opportunity to not only set your intentions for the whole next astrological year (from Aries Season 2023 to Aries Season 2024), but also for your life moving forward from this moment on. So take those big dreams you had in Pisces Season, and plant those seeds of intention during this first New Moon in Aries on March 21, and then give them a second powerful boost of solar energy with the second New Moon in Aries & Solar Eclipse on April 19.

First New Moon in Aries – March 21

This first New Moon in Aries brings the first sparks of transformational fires into our Astrological New Year intentions! This New Moon is one day after March Equinox and Aries Season begins, so it has a very fresh, pure beginning to it’s energy. It’s a New Moon with a lot of power behind it, not only because it’s a fire moon in the sign of Aries, but also because it’s the first New Moon of the whole astrological New Year, AND because it falls right in between the March Equinox & Pluto’s shift into Aquarius.
This New Moon is all about stepping into a New Year, New Cycle, New Life, New Identity! Whatever you’re wanting to shift, change, transform, manifest & create at this time, the energies are here to powerfully support you in your highest transformation – for your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All. Make sure you set time aside to be in and feel these Aries energies of change arising within you. Make sure to set time aside to get reacquainted with your own self, your own energy and your Soul Purpose. Pisces Seasons was a time to merge into the Oneness of the All – which is beautiful. And now Aries Season is here to bring you back to your Center, to your True Self, and from this space of your brightest Light & clearest, authentic Self – you are asked to step forward and share your gifts with the World. This can be on a large scale (groups, organizations, social media, national and global levels), or it can be on a smaller scale (within your immediate circle of friends, family, loved ones & local community) – or both. Either way, you are asked to align with your courage now and allow your heart inspirations to lead you to step out of your comfort zone, and share your gifts, skills, experiences, wisdom, authentic self with more people. As you do this, you gain more confidence, and Trust in yourself and what you are offering the world (on large or small scales). The scary part is stepping up and out, doing something different, and being somewhat vulnerable in order to step into this ‘unknown’ New You, New Energy, New Cycle of Life, that is waiting for you. This is where the Aries Courage comes in to support this forward moving momentum of inspired action.
This New Moon is also harmoniously aspected by Pluto, right before it shifts signs into Aquarius on March 23 (where it will remain for the next 20 years). This further supports the transformative energies here with this New Moon. Pluto is the planet of death & rebirth, transformation and stepping into our personal power. It uses the places that have caused us pain in the past, to dig deeper, release the heaviness and then rise from the ashes of our former selves, renewed, empowered & more whole than before.
Therefore, this New Moon may bring to your awareness some of the ways that the Lower Expressions of Aries may come up in your life (both from you, and towards you): anger, impatience, frustration, controlling tendencies. Try not to judge these emotions & behaviors if they come up. They are coming up to be released. Now is a powerful time to work with the energy of Fire.
Notice if there are any patterns coming up into your awareness at this time:
1. Do you feel anger rising up with certain people or in certain situations only? What boundaries are being crossed in these cases?
2. What changes need to be made so that you feel safe, respected, heard, loved?
3. What self loving action can you take to come back into alignment with your True Self?
4. How do you want to show up in your life?
5. What needs to shift in order for this to happen?
cleanse & Transform with fire
You can light a candle and send any heavy energies you are aware of at this time into the flames, allowing them to transmute. You can visualize, sense, feel or imagine these energies leaving your energy field and going into the fire, or you can actually write out what you are releasing on pieces of paper and safely burn them in the fire (if so, remember to have a plate or some tin foil handy so you can drop the pieces of paper into something after it catches fire). As you do this, you release the heavy energies, old stories & karmic patterns into the fire, with your intention, and make space within your energy field for Higher Frequencies to come in. This space that you are creating in your energy field, can then allow the new seeds of intention to grow. You can think of this as ‘weeding’ the garden before your plant your seeds. Making sure everything is cleared out first, and then planting those intentions in a more supportive, fertile space for optimal growth.
You can have crystals with you as you do this cleansing ritual. You can hold them in your hand or place them in front of you or around in a circle – whatever you intuitively feel called to do. If you’d like some suggestions for crystals to use to help you transform and align with the Higher Expressions of Aries energy, see our Aries Season 2023 & March Equinox post to spark your inspiration.
intention setting prompts
After you’ve cleansed your energy, now’s a good time to plant the seeds of your intentions. Set time and space aside so you can truly ‘be’ in this energy of your highest intentions and new life. Come into your center and reflect on / journal /pull oracle or tarot cards around any or all of these suggested questions to bring you more clarity:
- What area of your life are you most wanting to change right now? (Physical/Mental/Emotional/Energetic Health, Romantic/Family/Friend Relationships, Home Life, Soul Work/Career, Wealth/Abundance, Creativity, Travel/Adventure…)?
- What energy are you needing to leave behind in order to align with your highest future?
- What energy do you need to align more with to support your highest future?
- What steps can you take on your own to move towards your desired future?
- Where do you need to seek out support from others in order to move towards your desired future?
- Where are you feeling both excited to move forward in your life, and a little scared (but mostly excited!)?
- Where do you need to embrace more courage in your life?
- Where do you need to embrace more self confidence?
- What are the powerful gifts /skills/ offerings/experiences/wisdom you already possess, that will support you on the path to your highest future?
- What does it feel like to ‘be’ living your highest future? (peaceful, uplifted, loving, flowing, abundant, joyful….?)
The more you can feel yourself in the energy/frequency of your highest future (and feel gratitude for this outcome), the easier you will attract that future to you.
Perhaps, at this time you can feel a big, new, expansive energy coming your way, but you don’t yet know what it will bring, look like or feel like. That’s ok. You don’t have to know everything or have everything figured out right now. You are being asked to align with your courage and Trust that all is unfolding for your Highest Good. Even if you don’t know or see your Highest Future right now, you can still feel the feelings that you want to feel on a more regular basis (peace, grace, love, compassion, abundance, flow, connection, fulfillment, joy….whatever it is). Practice feeling this feeling, and you will attract the opportunities and energy that will bring you more of that feeling, and allow the rest to unfold as it needs to.

Second new moon in Aries
& Solar Eclipse – April 19

This second New Moon in Aries brings a second powerful wave of Life Force Energy to breathe into the seeds of our intentions. And, the Solar Eclipse energy that comes with it, supercharges these intentions even more powerfully. By this time, Saturn has shifted into Pisces & Pluto has shifted into Aquarius, and the general energies are open to new and higher frequencies and possibilities. This time is a refinement of the intentions you set during the last New Moon in Aries. Now you have had time to become aware of and then further clear out additional heavy energies that were not serving your Highest Self. So this is a reaffirming, continued nurturing, recharging and fine-tune adjusting of your intentions from the last New Moon.
This Eclipse is the first in the Aries-Libra axis, that we will be experiencing more of in the next couple of years. So yet again, this new, pure, fresh energy is brought into our lives, on yet another level.
By this time, the Full Moon in Libra has now allowed more light, awareness and clarity to come forth around the ways we need to shift our relationships. Maybe we are very independent and isolated and are now being called to re-connect with others and share experiences with others more. Or perhaps we have become aware of areas we were too dependent on others to lift us up, approve of us, make us feel good about ourselves, and are now aware of where we need to reclaim our power and practice more self reliance. Perhaps it’s both: in some areas we are needing more Aries energy and in other areas we’re needing more Libra energy. It’s all about balance and growth.
Now, with this added awareness from the Full Moon, we are given another opportunity to fine-tune our Aries New Year intentions. This Solar Eclipse (during the New Moon) also acts like a Full Moon. So we have the New Moon and a Full Moon energy happening simultaneously. This is where big shifts and transformations can take place. Also, big re-alignments that bring us closer to our True Selves.
So, what have you discovered that needs further releasing at this time, in order for you to align with your Highest Self, and your Highest Future?
You can do another Fire Transformation Ceremony (see above: Cleanse & Transform with Fire) if you feel inspired to shift more energy at this time. And then go over the intentions you set during the last New Moon and see if any additions or adjustments need to be made.
Being the Tree of life- practice
This New Moon has powerful Star Gate Portal energy to it. A Star Gate Portal can mean many different things, depending on your perspective. In this case, we are referring to a cosmic opening that allows us all on Earth to directly feel and download Higher Frequencies from the Stars, Moon & Sun, and anchor them into Mother Earth for the benefit of the Self & All Beings. There is nothing complicated you need to do. Just make time and space to Be Still at some point on this day (and/or the days leading up to and away from this the Eclipse) and intend/see/feel/visualize/imagine (however works best for you), that you are receiving this beautiful Star-Moon-Sun Light into your own energy field (what colour is it? what does it feel like? does it have a sound? connect to it in the way(s) that feel best for you), and then moving it through your own body and down into Mother Earth’s Core/Heart. Be the Tree of Life – with your energetic branches stretched out high up into the Cosmos, receiving Loving Light, and moving down the trunk of the Tree (your own energy & body), down the roots of the Tree, into the Earth and all the way to the Heart of Mother Earth Herself. Feel this beautiful energy move and flow through you (from the Stars to You to Mother Earth and from Mother Earth to You to the Stars) for as long as feels good for you.
Know that this practice opens up, clears and cleanses your energy field every time you do it. And when you do this during the Solar Eclipse, you bring in more of this Star Gate-High Frequency Light into your own energy field and the Earth’s, to manifest and unfold as it needs too, for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All. This practice and the energies it welcomes into your life, may likely go beyond your mind’s understanding, and that’s ok. Your mind will catch up and understand in the exact moments it needs too, for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All. Trust that. Trust Yourself. Trust the Benevolent Universe. Know that we are all One. On the Highest Level, that’s what this Eclipse energy is helping us all remember and embody: the connected-ness and One-ness of All Life, through the living embodiment and activation of the Highest Self. All Dimensions, Timelines, Spaces, Energy & Life come from the same place – and this is what we are remembering and embodying at this time. This Eclipse portal also reminds us that we are infinite, multidimensional Beings, experiencing life in this Human form. This Eclipse is supporting us in activating more of these alternate/parallel versions of ourselves, and uniting them into wholeness in this lifetime. Again, this may not make sense to the mind yet, but feel into this with your Heart, and Trust that all is unfolding at exactly the right time, in the right ways it needs too.

See Also:
Aries Season & March Equinox 2023 – March 20 – April 20
Pluto Enters Aquarius 2023 – March 23
Full Moon in Libra 2023 – April 5

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