Pisces Season 2023
February 18 – March 20

Welcome to Mystical Pisces Season!
Co-Ruled by Neptune (Modern Ruler) & Jupiter (Traditional Ruler), Pisces is the last Water Sign (and last sign in general) in the Western Zodiac. If Cancer is likened to a beautiful coral reef and Scorpio to the dark waters of the bio-luminescent creatures of the deep, then Pisces is the whole, wide Ocean that connects the entire planet and everything on it. As the last sign of the zodiac, it represents rebirth, the completion of a cycle & infinite oneness.
Pisces Season is a powerful time to step into the Dream Space, Higher Frequency Realms & dissolve boundaries in order to feel the Unconditional Love and Universal One-ness of All. As the most evolved Water Sign, it holds the potential for highly sensitive, intuitive and psychic abilities. The symbol for Pisces is 2 fish, swimming in flow & harmony – representing the connection of Duality: Yin & Yang, Above & Below, Within & Without, etc. Reminding us that we should not be ‘fighting’ to destroy anything (because we are also that which we seek to destroy), but rather transcend the illusion that we are separate from anything or anyone, so we can grant ourselves and others the forgiveness, peace & unconditional love that we (and others) are truly seeking – and come back into wholeness.
Those with strong Pisces energy can be very compassionate, selfless & gentle-natured people. They may have a strong yearning to connect with others (people, animals, nature, Spirit Guides, Spirit Realms) on deep heart levels in an attempt to dissipate boundaries that perpetuate the great ‘illusion of separation’ (the illusion that we are all separate, when in fact we are all connected, we all come from One Source).
High Expressions of Pisces
In it’s High Expressions, Pisces energy is very intuitive, in tune with emotions, imaginative, artistic, romantic, mystical, understanding, Spiritual, receptive & goes with the flow. Pisces ‘dreams big’ and loves to connect to places beyond the physical and 3D realms. It is very visual (seeing things in the physical and/or Spiritual realms very clearly) and/or sensory (feeling emotions and energies very strongly). Due to the highly sensitive nature of the this sign, it is very aware of and therefore connected to other’s feelings, whether they be sadness, anger, joy or bliss. This energy is very empathic in other words. And this usually is expressed by deeply caring for others and wanting to help lift the burdens of anyone and everyone who has experienced any pain or hardship in their lives. This is a beautiful trait, and at the same time, it’s also important for those with strong Pisces energy to learn how to set boundaries and to say ‘no’ with love when needed, so their kind hearts don’t get taken advantage of by others.
Low Expressions of Pisces
In it’s Lower Expressions, this energy can show up as laziness, clouded emotions and living in illusion (not seeing things as they really are, which can lead to being taken advantage of by others). There may be desire to escape or ignore the 3D/physical world in favour of the Higher, imagination, fantasy, dreaming realms. This may not sound so bad, but in it’s extreme forms, this can play out as addiction with drugs and/or alcohol as a way to ‘escape’ this world, or spending too much time watching TV/movies, playing video games, or daydreaming rather than facing the realities of the 3D world ( and dealing with physical, emotional and mental health). On an unconscious level, individuals experiencing these forms of ‘escape’ are usually a lot more sensitive to energies (especially the collective energy and energy outside of their own) and have not been acknowledged and/or taught how to protect their energy and set boundaries when needed, so they can safely use their gifts. A remedy here is to learn about energy work & the Spiritual Realm, acknowledge their existence and the fact that some people are more sensitive than others. The lower forms of Pisces can also lead us down a path of illusion, when our intuition is clouded and unclear, or we get too mixed up in others’ energy and give our power away to another’s Truth in favour of our own Heart Truth.
Balancing Pisces Energy
It’s so powerful to connect with Pisces’, opposites sign in this case, Virgo. Virgo brings clarity, organization, groundedness, practicality & boundaries to balance out the lower expressions of Pisces. Learning to set boundaries with love (rather than with fear, or not at all). You can still forgive and love someone (or everyone) if that is what you wish, but in some cases it may be wiser to forgive and send love from a physical distance. Boundaries don’t mean you don’t care about someone, they mean that you have values and limits and know that they need to be honoured. You teach others how to honour them, by communicating your sacred boundaries with love and assertion. And remember, that you can always connect with someone’s Higher Self in the Spiritual Realms and send them love energetically, and sometimes that’s the closest way to connect to them, while still keeping yourself safe. Creating boundaries is the first step in creating a more safe environment for yourself. From this safe container, you can support others more powerfully because you are no longer making decisions based in fear, survival & martyr consciousness (sacrificing your own well being in order to help others, wanting to ‘save’ others by attempting to fix their problems). Instead, you support others from a place of love and that means filling your own cup first. Sharing your highest frequency with others, and giving from a place of inner peace, true love, empowerment & respect for others. Not looking to ‘save’ anyone, but instead to be there as a support in someone’s journey of self empowerment.
Enjoy the dreamy, blissful, expansive worlds of this Pisces Season. May it bring you ever closer to your True Self: Infinite Love.
* To support your journey in releasing fear, survival & martyr consciousness, check out our Free ‘Fight-Or-Flight Re-Set’ guided meditation (at the bottom of the post). Designed to bring you back into a peaceful state, so you can make decisions from a more clear, calm, centered & empowered place.

New Moon in Pisces – February 19
This New Moon in Pisces brings us even deeper into the ‘flow’ state, making it easier for us to connect with the beautiful Universal Oneness of the All. It’s especially powerful at this time to connect with the element of water, as both the Moon and the sign of Pisces are connected to this element.
Read our New Moon in Pisces blog post for more info and to learn how to connect to this Pisces New Moon.
Sweet Piscean Moon Dreams!

Venus Enters Aries – February 19
The day we have the New Moon, we also have Venus (planet of love, beauty, desires & relationships) entering the sign of Aries, the Warrior & Pioneering Leader. Venus holds a more receptive, Yin / Feminine energy, while Aries (ruled by Mars) holds a more active, Yang/Masculine energy. Venus is, technically speaking, in what some astrologers call her ‘detriment’ in Aries. However, this perceived tension of energies can blend together harmoniously. Venus, planet of love can very well inspire firey passions when in the sign of Aries, creating new life, new projects or bringing light to new desires, Soul purpose & inspired leadership roles. This energy can also bring more directness, authenticity & truth when communicating or taking action on desires, and in relationships in general. This energy also brings up the importance of having space to express our feelings honestly and having our feelings be taken seriously within our relationships.

Mercury Enters Pisces – March 2
Mercury (planet of communication) in Pisces is all about connecting to the Higher, cosmic realms and being able to communicate what we are seeing, feeling, hearing and experiencing. This may be through written or spoken word such as poetry, or through visuals such as painting or other art forms. Half of communication is listening, so it is also a powerful time to still our minds so we can first listen for and receive the insights, inspirations and answers we’re looking for, before translating them into form (such as words, images & concepts). It can be a time where our minds expand further into the cosmic ocean of oneness, and our awareness is forever changed by it’s beauty and vastness.

Full Moon in Virgo – March 7
The Full Moon in Virgo brings some needed grounding, structure, practicality and organization to the mystical and dreamy feelings, emotions and insights we have been experiencing this Pisces Season.
Read our Full Moon in Virgo blog post for more info and to learn how to connect & ground with this Virgo Full Moon.
Happy healing, grounding, clearing & restructuring!

Saturn Enters Pisces – March 7

Huge Energy Shift for the Next 3 Years!
Saturn (planet of time, discipline, tradition, systems, productivity & responsibility) has been in the sign of Aquarius since March 2020. As many will remember, this time brought huge shifts in both our personal and collective lives.
Read more about this shift in watery Pisces & what it can bring, individually & collectively: Saturn Enters Mystical Pisces.
Looking forward to walking this beautiful, magical and powerful journey of greater Self Mastery with you!

Venus Enters Taurus – March 16
Venus rules the Earth sign of Taurus, so this is a time that can bring much more ease, grace, beauty and pleasure into our lives – especially in the area of our chart where Venus currently is transiting. This is a very supportive time to connect with the Inner Peace & Stillness of your Heart by grounding in your physical body through pleasure of your 5 physical senses (taste, touche, smell, sight & sound). Being in nature, loving physical touches, massages & gentle body movements are all supportive. This energy encourages us to seek out & attract relationships that bring more peace, stability and pleasure into our lives, rather than ones that bring chaos, drama, tension & uncertainty. Using the physical body as a powerful tool to show us who we feel ‘safe’ and at peace with, and who we do not. The mind can trick us, but the body does not. Return to the truth of your body for clarity.

Mercury Enters Aries – March 18
Mercury in Aries energy is all about mental alertness, clarity, focus & authenticity. Aries does not tolerate lies & deception, so Mercury (planet of communication) supports us in communicating very directly and clearly at this time. If we are usually more soft & gentle with our words, making our communication more ambiguous or vague, then this time can be a great opportunity to support us in communicating more clearly, honestly & directly. And if others around us are not used to us communicating this way (especially if we are women), then they may react with defensiveness, frustration & even anger. Know that as long as we communicate honestly and compassionately from our heart, that others’ reactions to our Truth and authenticity is more about them, than it is about us (and that they may have actually been attracted to our energy because we danced around the truth and did not communicate our needs, desires or true feelings clearly). And these relationships need to now change. This time can generally be a period where challenging conversations are brought up, debates are had – but all for the purpose of expanding our minds and perspectives. As long as we remain respectful, compassionate, clear & authentic, we all grow from the experience. And we ourselves may be learning how to communicate clearly and compassionately at the same time, as well as how not take other’s viewpoints or Truth so personally. We can learn that we may have a Truth and someone else may have a different Truth, and it’s healthy to talk and share about these different Truths, but we don’t need to convince anyone that our Truth is ‘more true’ than another’s. We also don’t need to be convinced, that anothers’ Truth is ‘more true’ than our own. This is a powerful opportunity to practice holding our Truth in our Hearts, while simultaneously holding space for another’s Truth to exist – without either party judging, condemning, disrespecting or attacking the other’s Truth. This may not be easy, but it opens us up to spread more compassion to ourselves and others. No need to be perfect at it right away either. Your best is all that is asked.

Coming Up Next: Aries Season & Equinox – March 20

See Also:
New Moon in Pisces 2023 – February 19
Full Moon in Virgo 2023 – March 7
Saturn Enters Pisces 2023 – March 7

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