Saturn Enters Mystical Pisces 2023
March 7
Huge Energy Shift for the Next 3 Years!

Saturn (planet of time, discipline, tradition, structures, systems, productivity & responsibility) has been in the Air sign of Aquarius (which it co-rules with Uranus) since March 21, 2020. As many will remember, this time brought huge shifts in both our personal and collective lives.
On March 7th, (while we are all still in Pisces Sun Season) Saturn will be moving into the Water sign of Pisces – bringing a more regular and disciplined approach to meditation, Spiritual practices & Soul Growth. There may be a shift of focus and sense of responsibility towards more acts of kindness, charity, generosity & greater collective healing than we have experienced in the past 3 years, and since it was last in Pisces (1993-1996).
This energy can support the larger collective in taking emotional feelings, energetic sensitivity, Spiritual practices, Soul growth & the ‘Mystical’ realms a lot more ‘seriously’ – which can make life a lot easier for those of us who may have felt very ‘out of place’ in this world because of our sensitivities & spiritual/energetic/cosmic connections & interests. And it can spark a powerful opportunity for many more people to recognize, embrace and dedicate themselves to the healing inner work that brings about Self Mastery – simultaneously healing the Self & bringing healing to the Human Collective, all of Mother Earth and beyond.
When Saturn Enters Mystical Pisces, there may also be times of fear and uncertainty that come up, both personally and in the collective, from now until it enters Aries in February, 2026. Fear because the ‘old’ systems, beliefs, ways of doing things are likely dissolving away (in powerful Piscean fashion), in order to create new and more empowering systems, beliefs and ways of ‘being’ in the world. When we, ourselves or others around us experience fear during this time, remember that it’s a powerful opportunity to come back to our dedicated practices (Saturn) of surrender, going with the flow, forgiving self & others, releasing old fear/stories/limiting beliefs/heavy energy (Pisces). This is all to support us in practicing more surrender, compassion & forgiveness (of self and/or other) – to ultimately live, vibrate & ‘be’ in unity consciousness & Unconditional Love. What happens in our outside world, is a reflection of what is going on within us. If we want to change our outer reality, we start by going within and changing our inner energy/frequency, and then take actions in the outer world that align with our new, more empowered self.
As well as an opportunity to change old structures & limiting beliefs (individually & collectively) and become more dedicated in practices of Self Mastery, this Saturn in Pisces cycle can also bring added interest and rise to Spiritual Businesses. Saturn as the ruler of Capricorn (sign of career, business, reputation, finances, work, responsibility, productivity) in the mystical sign of Pisces, can bring a grounding to this watery sign and help us manifest our greatest dreams into the 3D reality, through dedicated practices, honouring our responsibilities & physical body temples, just as much as we honour our Soul & Spirit forms. This brings a groundedness to our dreams and visions, helping us bridge & anchor them in the physical world – supporting us to achieve our Greatest Soul Work/Purpose in this lifetime, for the Greatest Benefit of All.
The key here is to dream big, remember to Trust in our psychic/energetic abilities and Intuition and not give into doubt, distracting temptations or illusions. If you feel old, limiting stories of doubt and fear creep in (ex. your visions can’t come true, you dream too big, grow up and get out of ‘la la land’, your Intuition & inner Heart Voice are not ‘real’, you ‘made it all up in your head’, etc…) then you are asked to still your mind and come back to your center and inner peace, before you move forward. You need to Trust in your Heart, Intuition, Higher Self, benevolent Spirit Guides & Source in order to manifest and co-create what you came here to create and/or anchor into this physical realm.
To support your journey in releasing self doubt, limiting beliefs & uncertainty, check out our Free ‘Fight-Or-Flight Re-Set’ guided meditation (at the bottom of the post). Designed to bring you back into a peaceful state, so you can clear & still your mind of criticisms and self doubts, long enough to connect to your clear, calm, centered, empowered self & Heart Intuition.
We look forward to walking this beautiful, magical and powerful journey of greater Self Mastery with you!

See Also:
Full Moon in Virgo 2023 – March 7
Pisces Season 2023 – February 18 – March 20

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