Full Moon in Virgo 2023
March 7

The Full Moon in Virgo brings some needed grounding, structure, practicality and organization to the mystical and dreamy feelings, emotions and insights we may have been experiencing this Pisces Season so far.
As the Sun is still in the Water sign of Pisces, the Moon has now shifted into the opposite sign of Virgo (an Earth sign). The Moon in Virgo brings more grounding, centering and analyzing (from an observational distance), of our feelings and emotions – helping us to make more ‘sense’ of what we may have been experiencing so far in the cosmic ocean of Pisces.
Virgo is also a sign of Highest Service to others, so there may be more clarity & organization for our insights around how we can be of Highest Service in the world. Here we can sift through all the vastness of feelings, emotions and energies in Pisces, and make better sense of our inner thoughts, feelings and desires, especially when it comes to service. This can be a powerful time to ground the psychic visions, dreams and inspirations you may have been receiving thus far.
Virgo is also very connected with Health and Wellness, especially with the physical body. It is a great reminder for us to come back down from the cosmic heights of Pisces for long enough to ground our new insights and experiences into our physical reality, for the benefit of all. And to remember to take care of our physical and mental bodies so that we can sustain a balanced and healthy life on all levels (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual).
Allow this Full Moon in Virgo to support you in releasing any areas of illusion, emotional uncertainty or mental fog you may have become aware of this Pisces Season. This can greatly support you in moving forward on your Soul Journey with more discernment, grounded connection in reality and greater clarity of thought, so you can bring those visions, insights and highest dreams you became inspired by this Pisces Season, into the material world, for all to benefit from.
To connect with the energy of Virgo, use the element of Earth: crystals (smokey quartz, aventurine, unakite, pink calcite…) & plants – especially healing herbs (like lavender, valerian root, chamomile… to add to teas and/or food). Virgo is also very connected with animals. Animals can help us ground and come back to the present, as they are always in the present moment. Because of this, they do a beautiful job (just with their presence alone) of bringing us back to the Now Moment, rather than staying stuck in future worries/anxieties and past fears/trauma. We can learn so much from our beautiful animal, plant & crystal friends. If you feel called to learn more about such topics as Spirit Animals, Healing Herbs/Plant Medicines and/or Healing/Energetic Properties of Crystals, you are encouraged to follow your Intuition and do so.
You may also feel a desire or need to clean, tidy and organize some area of your life (wherever Virgo is in your natal chart). This could be your home, your work/office space, your business, your computer desktop, your yard, your schedule/calendar, your eating and exercise habits, or maybe your neighborhood or park – in addition to tidying your inner world (your emotions and your mind).
This Full Moon is also super-charged with a huge shift in our personal and collective energy. March 7, Saturn is moving from the sign of Aquarius, where it’s been since March 2020 (I’m sure we all remember this powerful time in our lives!), and entering the watery, dreamy, mystical sign of Pisces. Read more about this huge shift and what it can bring up in your personal energy as well as the collective energy: Saturn Enters Mystical Pisces.
Happy healing, grounding, clearing & restructuring!

See Also:
Saturn Enters Pisces 2023 – March 7
Pisces Season 2023 – February 18 – March 20

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