The Power of Gratitude

Start your day with a grateful heart
What’s the first thing you think about and focus on when you wake up? Is it something positive and uplifting, or is it problems and negativity? Practicing gratitude every day is very important, it will change your vibration and mood drastically.
Gratitude is a very high frequency, it vibrates at 540 MHz. Every thought and emotion you have, has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency. Love is one of the highest frequencies you can be at, and gratitude and love falls around the same level.
Some of the highest emotional frequencies are joy, love, freedom, appreciation and empowerment, and some of the lowest are anger, fear, guilt, jealousy, grief and shame.
The more time you spend practicing being in the emotional state of gratitude and love, the more your body’s the frequency raises, the happier you will feel and the healthier your body will become.
Being in the state of gratitude helps you feel lighter and more positive. Raising your frequency at the level of gratitude has the power to transform you, the people you interact with and the physical space around you.
Gratitude is a state of “being”, and it has the power to transform, create, inspire, manifest, attract, love and heal. It also has the power to change your inner and outer world, to open up your heart and lift your mood, and to change your perspective and how you are in relationships and with the people around you.
What are you grateful for today?
We wish you a wonderful day full of love and gratitude