Aries Season & March Equinox 2023
March 20 – April 20

Welcome to Fiery Aries Season & March Equinox!
Ruled by passionate & courageous Mars, Aries is the First Sign of the Western Zodiac. It’s symbol is the Ram and it’s element is fire. It’s considered a Yang/Masculine/Active/Outward Focused energy. Aries Season & March Equinox bring new beginnings, inspirations and possibilities into our world. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it breathes the new & exciting life of Spring into the the calm, still space of our inward winter retreat.
The first day of Aries Season is also always the March Equinox: Equal length of Day & Night, all around the world. This is the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, where the days become longer and warmer. This energy can be likened to the new flower blossoms moving through the darkness of the rich soil, and out into the sunshine, blooming and opening wide to share their bright, beautiful colours and scents for all to experience! For those in the Southern Hemisphere, Aries Seasons marks the Autumn Equinox, where the days are becoming shorter and cooler. In the South, this is a time to begin moving inward, releasing what needs releasing, like the trees & plants drawing their energy inwards and shedding their unneeded leaves in preparation for Winter reflections & rejuvenation.
Aries Season and March Equinox are a powerful time to look back at the intentions you set earlier this year in January, or maybe at Winter Solstice. Use the exciting, inspiring & spirited energy of the Ram to breathe new life into those intentions. Often times we set our intentions in the darker, cooler and more inward focused energy of the Winter Solstice & Lunar New Year – like planting the seeds of intentions for the upcoming year. And Aries Season is the time when we start to see the buds begin to surface from the ground and start to blossom in the sunlight. This energy is all about a New Year, New Cycle, New Beginning, New Projects & New Energy. A New Identity even. And this takes courage to step into the unknown of all this new energy. Which is where the Higher expressions of Aries can really help us!
High Expressions of Aries
Aries helps us align with our courage, inspirational leadership, self confidence, creative power, Soul Purpose, raw intuition & joyful passions. Aries energy is all about leaping into the unknown, with a heart full of courage & inspiration! It’s the energy that brings us motivation to wake up excited about our day and the possibilities available to us. As the first sign of the zodiac, it’s also playful, fun and joyful – sometimes acting like a child because of it’s authenticity & innocence. It needs this energetic, curious energy in order to inspire new cycles & create new life. This act of creating also calls for a strong will and heart-directed focus in order to turn the dreams we had during Pisces Season, into a physical reality. This manifestation of our dreams into our reality, calls for us to release all the old stagnant energy that no longer serves us, and to step into the new life, new adventure, new opportunities that await us in the unknown. As a fire sign, Aries is connected with the Phoenix energies of transformation & rebirth. Stepping into the unknown possibilities is where we create our highest future. It’s also where fears can come up. How will our intentions manifest? What do we need to release/let go of/let die away in order to move close to our Soul Purpose & best life? Who will we become once we release these energies that have blocked us/held us back for so long? This uncertainty can be frightening for many of us. This is where the courage of Aries comes in. We must have the courage to brave the unknown possibilities so we can discover who we Truly are, how strong we really are, how empowered we really are, how creative, beautiful & vital we really are. How bright our light can really shine. Aries asks us to put ourselves first sometimes, so that we can connect with our highest potential and Soul Purpose, and then inspire others to do the same. If we are never putting ourselves first, we are not making the time and space to connect with our own energy and authentic frequency, and can then become resentful, frustrated and angry (out of alignment). Aries also demands that we be honest with others and with ourselves, asserting boundaries with confidence and clarity when needed, and leading others with heart centered inspired actions when we are called to do so. Aries energy stands in it’s own power, with the will, courage & determination to meet any challenge head on. We all have Aries energy somewhere in our charts, so you too have this energy within you, even if you are not an Aries Sun, Moon or Rising. It’s time to align with more of your authentic self and highest possibilities!
Low Expressions of Aries
Low Aries energy can manifest as immature/selfish (always focused on the self and not balance with focusing on others when needed), bossy (telling everyone what to do all the time without asking nicely, or at all) & aggressive (ranging from frustration to anger to rage). Interestingly enough, this anger and aggression usually comes from not being in alignment with our own self. When we (or others) experience anger, it’s a sign that a positive action needs to be taken (a boundary needs to be communicated, a healthy change needs to be made, we need to move our physical bodies to release some blocked energy, a letting go needs to happen….). When we or others become angry, it’s a clear indication that we are not following our Soul Purpose and we are out of alignment with our True Selves. It’s an opportunity to self reflect and then make a choice to move back into alignment. Many people fear anger (from others and from themselves), but it’s not right or wrong to be angry. It’s just an emotion (a frequency) that we can use to gauge where we are at in our lives and where we want to be. It doesn’t make us a ‘bad’ person to feel anger. It’s an opportunity to learn to forgive ourselves and to do better next time. Again and again. Listen to what your needs are, and then take action on fulfilling them. Often times we can become very self centered, bossy or angry, because we are afraid, we don’t feel safe. The next time you feel anger (or selfishness or attempts to control others/your environment) rising, ask yourself: what do I need in this moment to feel safe again? Low Aries energy can also be very impatient, which often leads to (anger, and) not seeing projects through in favour of moving onto something more interesting. Aries does not like taking orders from anyone (such as having a boss), so people with a lot of Aries energy often do much better being their own boss. And when in alignment with their Soul Purpose, they can make amazing, inspiring leaders. But if not in alignment, they can show up as very controlling and domineering bosses. Aries energy can become irritated if not enough freedom & independence is given in relationships (work, romantic, family, friends).
Balancing Aries Energy
Aries energy is so raw, powerful & energetic, that it can also feel overwhelming at times. Like we don’t know which direction to go in because there are so many possibilities. If we start feeling this way, it’s important to do activities that help us ground our energy. Body movement is very helpful in releasing and directing this added energy. Do an activity you enjoy, or try something new! The physical activity can help you further release old energetic patterns that don’t serve, so you can welcome in more inspiration, joy & creativity. The opposite sign of Aries is Libra. This is where we can bring in even more balance. Where Aries is independent and self focused, Libra is very much about relationships, balance & harmony. Neither one is ‘better’ than another. We need both energies to be in balance. Libra needs Aries energy to support it putting itself first in relationships sometimes, being direct & honest, setting healthy boundaries when needed & making space to following it’s Soul Purpose. Aries needs Libra energy to remember to look outside of the self and see where we need to put others first sometimes, where we need to show more patience, compassion & understanding in order to bring more harmony to ourselves, our relationships and what new creations we are bringing into our lives.
Aries Season Intention Setting Prompts
Some questions you can ask yourself to dig deeper this Aries Season and that can support you in readjusting your intentions for this next year are:
Who do you want to be?
What do you want to create/manifest?
What do you want to change/shift/heal?
How do you want to feel? What do you want your ‘home’/ default frequency to be?
What area(s) of your life do you want to grow in?
What is your Soul inspired to take action on?
And for all of the above questions, a follow up is: What are three action steps you can take, to move in your desired direction?
With Saturn now in Pisces, and Pluto shifting into Aquarius on March 23, and not one but two New Moons in Aries this year (keep reading to learn more about these upcoming energies!) – this is an extremely supportive time to set powerful intentions that stretch us beyond what we thought we were capable of. Allow the inspiration from this season to catch fire and inspire you to take action on your heart’s desires.
Aries Crystals
Always work with whichever crystals you intuitively feel called to work with (first and foremost, trust your own intuition!). Here are also some suggested crystals you can work with over this Aries Season (very briefly described):
Fire Quartz – transformation, self esteem, removes negative/stuck energy, aligns with Higher Self
Carnelian – grounding, creativity, motivation, courage, vitality & life force energy
Garnet – energizing, cleansing, purifying, balancing, devotional, activating
Herkimer Diamond – connects us to high frequencies & our own highest potential, clears all the chakras, bringing more clarity to our Soul’s Purpose
Jasper – nurturing, protecting, grounding, balances mind-body-spirit, determination, courage, assertion
Tiger’s Eye – activates intuition, protection, integrity, empowerment, self worth, balances yin & yang energies

New Moon in Aries (1 of 2)– March 21
This Season brings with it not one, but two New Moons in Aries! This is POWERFUL energy! This is an amazing opportunity to not only set your intentions for the whole next astrological year (from Aries Season 2023 to Aries Season 2024), but also for your life moving forward from this moment on. This first New Moon in Aries brings the first sparks of transformational fires into our Astrological New Year intentions! It’s a New Moon with a lot of power behind it, not only because it’s a fire moon in the sign of Aries, but also because it’s the first New Moon of the whole astrological New Year, AND because it falls right in between the March Equinox & Pluto’s shift into Aquarius. This New Moon is all about stepping into a New Year, New Cycle, New Life, New Identity! Whatever you’re wanting to shift, change, transform, manifest & create at this time, the energies are here to powerfully support you in your highest transformation – for your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All. Pisces Seasons was a time to merge into the Oneness of the All – which is beautiful. And now Aries Season is here to bring you back to your Center, to your True Self, and from this space of your brightest Light & clearest, authentic Self – you are asked to step forward and share your gifts with the World. This New Moon may bring to your awareness some of the ways that the Lower Expressions of Aries may come up in your life (both from you, and towards you): anger, impatience, frustration, controlling tendencies…

pluto enters aquarius – March 23
Pluto entering the Air Sign of Aquarius is a BIG deal. Pluto holds the energy of transformation, death & rebirth, empowerment, diving deep into the shadows to uncover ‘lost treasures’ of truth, and deep healing. It’s energy is very intense and powerful. Aquarius on the other hand is an Air sign, and holds the energy of innovative thinking, new and visionary ideas, technology, frequency, friendships, global community, social media/internet & expressing our unique individuality and skills for the benefit of the larger group. Because Pluto is a slow moving planet, it stays in a sign for about 13 to 20 years (depending on the sign and how long and often it retrogrades). Pluto in Aquarius can help us shed all the karma and heaviness around the old structures and unsupportive beliefs we held on to, so we can change and create new, more supportive structures for the world we are living in now, and the new human beings we are all becoming. This includes releasing personal and collective karma and heaviness, so that we can come together in greater union and harmony (rather than competition and scarcity) and live our lives more authentically, from our own unique frequency, being valued for our unique contributions to the group, and valuing others for their uniqueness that contribute to the multidimensional vastness of the group…

Mars enters Cancer – March 25

One of the hardest things to do is to keep our heart open after we have been hurt / experienced pain.
We want to close up our heart to protect it, so we won’t feel pain again. It takes great courage to open our heart again after experiencing pain, & to keep it open. This is a mark of true courage. This is where the true bravery & determination of Mars in Cancer comes forth. This is what we are all trying to do as humans here – keep an open heart, despite the risks of being hurt / feeling pain.
Our open hearts are our greatest strength & liberation.
Mars has been in Gemini for the last 7 months (due to retrogrades), when it usually stays in a sign for only 7 weeks. This shift of Mars into Cancer brings fresh new direction & focus of our energy from the mind to the emotions. It brings a greater focus to our inner world, our intuition, feelings, home & heart. This is a time of taking our feelings, intuition & heart messages more seriously.
We have added courage with this combination of energy, to feel our feelings (especially ones that may bring up insecurities or fears) so we can take supportive action where needed in order to bring more love, healing & wholeness back to our hearts & our families (birth and/or found family).
Mars in Cancer brings our warrior spirit out to listen to our Heart voices, our intuitive feelings & to courageously be vulnerable in areas & ways that we may previously not have been before. This helps us realize that being vulnerable to our own heart messages & feelings is not a ‘weakness’, but a great strength. This allows us to connect more deeply with our hearts & take action on our heart guidance & intuition, rather than pushing our feelings aside.
This energy also brings out our fierce protector energy, especially when it comes to family (blood/birth or Soul/Spiritual/found family). We are supported with the courage to listen to our heart intuition & set healthy boundaries where needed within our family structures & beyond, in order to create more safety in our environment. This may be creating more safety for ourselves, individually and/or for our children or other family members. There may be some ancestral healing happening here as we do this important work of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, share feelings & set boundaries where needed.
While we sit with our more vulnerable feelings at this time, we may become more aware of some unhealthy behaviours & roles that we played, or others played around us, within our family structure – that have led us to continue subconscious unhealthy patterns/beliefs/roles in our adult lives. We are asked to align with our compassion in these cases (for ourselves and others). We did the best we could with the awareness & tools we had at the time. And now is the time to align with our courage to see things as they truly are, make changes, & move forward with greater awareness, wisdom & excitement for life.

Mercury enters taurus – April 3

Mercury is the planet of thoughts, communication & intellect. Mercury in Taurus is all about stilling the mind and coming back to the present moment. It’s impossible to be in the present moment when our minds are replaying events from the past or worried about events yet to come. Taurus helps us uncomplicate things, bring more peace and stillness to our thoughts so we can be in the present moment and create our lives from a place of peace. This peace is what brings clarity of thought and solutions to perceived problems. This can be a time where we learn to cultivate even greater patience in our thoughts and our communication. Stopping and pausing before we say something. And stopping and pausing to witness our own self talk – the words we say to ourselves. Are they mostly positive or mostly negative? This is a time for more self reflection and quiet contemplation. Slowing down our thoughts and communication will be supported at this time. Allow for some silence and pauses in conversations and thoughts in order to bring greater reflection, stillness and presence to the mind. Allow yourself to stop and take a breathe. Pause and look around. Be in the present moment as often as you can. This is a time of more grounded communication, connected with the heart. Not about quickly saying everything that comes to mind, as fast as we can speak it. It’s about slower, deliberate thoughts and communication, creating an environment for practical understanding to occur. We may have a tendency to not have the patience for faster paced energies at this time, such as radical new ideas, concepts or conversations. We and others are likely in an energy where we are more resistant to change. This is a great opportunity to notice where we may shut down and retreat into silence as a defense mechanism, because we feel unsafe or threatened by these new ideas or concepts. Others around us may be doing the same thing. Here, we can practice peaceful stillness of the mind, reminding ourselves that we are safe in this present moment.
Mercury is also squaring Pluto on this day, just a few hours after Mercury enters Taurus. This creates a challenging aspect between these two planetary energies. If we allow ourselves to sit in our defensive energy out of fear of the new, different or change, this can slow our Soul growth. Our mind is wanting to grow and expand at this time and Pluto is here to help us do that, by showing us the thoughts, beliefs, values & self talk that hold us back from our Highest potential, and then allowing these to ‘die’ away / be released. The more we resist this change/transformation, the more challenging we may feel this aspect manifest in our lives. To open up to this change and allow the necessary shifts to happen more smoothly, we are asked to come back to practices that ground our energy and minds, bring us into peaceful, calm states, and the present moment. We can come into this present moment state in a variety of different ways, through any or all of the 5 senses: taste, touch, smell, sound & sight. Activities like being in peaceful places in Nature, gentle walks, yoga or tai chi, breathwork, massages, cooking & enjoying tasty food, aromatherapy, music, dance….are all supportive ways to use our 5 senses to ground our energy & thoughts back into our physical body and in the present moment. When we are in the present moment, we feel safer to open up to changes and growth that are here for our Highest Good.

Full moon in libra – april 5
This Full Moon in Libra is the first of the New Astrological Year. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus – the planet of love, beauty, harmony & relationships. This Full Moon in Libra is a beautiful opportunity to become aware of the shadow aspects of ourselves (where we may show up as selfish, where we don’t stand in our own power, where we don’t show up as our authentic selves in relationships, the parts of ourselves that we have abandoned or outcast) and bring Unconditional Love to these areas/aspects. This Libra Full Moon is an opportunity to bring all the parts of ourselves back into wholeness. This is why it’s so important to connect with the Aries energy of ‘focusing on the Self’ at times – because then we can do the inner work that’s necessary to Love ourselves back into wholeness, and then show up in our relationships and the world around us, with more love, authenticity, joy, creativity and inspiration…
Read more here on the Libra Full Moon energy, as well as a ‘Self Love Re-Membering Practice.’

Venus enters gemini – april 10

Venus in Gemini brings the importance of excellent communication within our relationships. This clarity of communication will support all parties in better understanding of one another so there can be greater intimacy in the relationships. This time may inspire us to be more open & curious in our relationships, experiencing & learning new things and communicating new ideas as a way to grow closer together. This can be a time where it’s easier to communicate our heart truth & desires more clearly and openly than in the past, as well as truly listen and receive the the heart truths & desires of our partners or friends. The more we practice this communication from the heart, the more ‘real’, authentic and intimate our relationships become. There is a simultaneous feeling of levity here, with more curiosity & playfulness. The more we are honest with ourselves and our partners or friends, the more we can relax, drop our defenses and just have fun together! New interests may likely emerge at this time – new books, topics, learning, experiences, adventures to be had and shared. Even new friends and/or romantic relationships may come along. More questions are asked and received openly. Notice if there is an equal amount of talking and listening between each person. If not, this is an opportunity to bring forth that clear communication and honesty to forefront. An equal exchange of energy is needed for relationships to grow harmoniously. It’s a good time to pay attention to which relationships enrich our Soul Experience and which do not. Which are real, authentic & expansive, and which are more surface level. We are asked to spend more time and energy nurturing the relationships that feel more balanced and supportive at this time. Learning to grow together, expand together with our True & most authentic loved ones.

New moon in Aries (2 of 2) & Total solar eclipse – april 19
This second New Moon in Aries brings a second powerful wave of Life Force Energy to breathe into the seeds of our intentions. And, the Solar Eclipse energy that comes with it, supercharges these intentions even more powerfully. This Eclipse is the first in the Aries-Libra axis, that we will be experiencing more of in the next couple of years. So yet again, this new, pure, fresh energy is brought into our lives, on yet another level. This Solar Eclipse (during the New Moon) also acts like a Full Moon. So we have the New Moon and a Full Moon energy happening simultaneously. This is where big shifts and transformations can take place very rapidly. Also, big re-alignments that bring us closer to our True Selves…

Coming Up Next: Taurus Season – April 20

See Also:
First New Moon in Aries 2023 – March 21
Pluto Enters Aquarius 2023 – March 23
Full Moon in Libra 2023 – April 5
Second New Moon in Aries & Solar Eclipse 2023 – April 19

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